The Forum on Religion and Ecology Newsletter
8.2 (February 2014)
1. Editorial, by Elizabeth McAnally
2. Ecology and Religion (New Book by John Grim and Mary Evelyn Tucker)
3. The Future of Ethics: Sustainability, Social Justice, and Religious Creativity (New Book by Willis Jenkins)
4. New Publications
5. Journey of the Universe Events
6. Events
7. Calls for Papers
8. Online Interfaith Course on Climate Change
9. Internships: Sustainability through Indigenous Permaculture while Addressing the Climate Crisis
10. Videos: Conversations around the Green Fire
11. Lent Resources
12. Job Announcement
13. Graduate Programs
14. Worldviews: Global Religions, Culture, and Ecology
1. Editorial, by Elizabeth McAnally
Welcome to the February issue of the newsletter for the Forum on Religion and Ecology. We have much to share with you this month with regards to developments in the field of Religion and Ecology, including publications, conferences, events, calls for papers, and more.
The Journey of the Universe film continues to move out into the world. It is now available on Netflix, and since it went up in December, it has been viewed by over 30,000 people. For more about the Journey project, visit: http://www.journeyoftheuniverse.org/
John Grim and Mary Evelyn Tucker have been working on a book that explores the young field of religious ecology–and we’re thrilled to announce it’s here! Ecology and Religion (Island Press, 2014) offers an introduction to this emerging field that bridges the gap between religion and science. By exploring the environmental dimensions of religious traditions and analyzing the role of religion in sustaining ecosystems and people, Grim and Tucker show why significant change requires looking at environmental problems through an ethical lens. To read the book description and short reviews, see below or visit the Island Press website: http://islandpress.org/ip/books/book/islandpress/E/bo8053388.html
If you would like to purchase a copy from Island Press, use the code 4ECOREL, which is good for a 20% discount. You can also order it from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, your local independent bookstore, and other retailers. The e-book format is on its way.
We hope you will consider supporting the book. Here are a few ways you can help:
• Forward this message to your own contacts or share the news on your social media networks. Feel free to include the discount code 4ECOREL.
• If you would like to review it for a publication or website, you can request a review copy from press@islandpress.org.
• If you would like to use it in a class, you can request an exam copy at: http://www.islandpress.org/educators
• Encourage your organization to ask info@islandpress.org for details about a discounted bulk purchase.
• Review the book on Amazon, Goodreads, or another review site.
If you have any questions or ideas for how to use Ecology and Religion in your own work, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. We hope you enjoy the book and thank you for your support and feedback.
We hope this newsletter supports your own work and helps you further your own engagements with the field of Religion and Ecology.
Warm wishes,
Elizabeth McAnally
California Institute of Integral Studies
Forum on Religion and Ecology at Yale
Website Manager & Newsletter Editor
2. Ecology and Religion (New Book by John Grim and Mary Evelyn Tucker)
Ecology and Religion
By John Grim and Mary Evelyn Tucker
Island Press, 2014
For the order form (with 20% discount), visit:
From the Psalms in the Bible to the sacred rivers in Hinduism, the natural world has been integral to the world’s religions. John Grim and Mary Evelyn Tucker contend that today’s growing environmental challenges make the relationship ever more vital.
This primer explores the history of religious traditions and the environment, illustrating how religious teachings and practices both promoted and at times subverted sustainability. Subsequent chapters examine the emergence of religious ecology, as views of nature changed in religious traditions and the ecological sciences. Yet the authors argue that religion and ecology are not the province of institutions or disciplines alone. They describe four fundamental aspects of religious life: orienting, grounding, nurturing, and transforming. Readers then see how these phenomena are experienced in a Native American religion, Orthodox Christianity, Confucianism, and Hinduism.
Ultimately, Grim and Tucker argue that the engagement of religious communities is necessary if humanity is to sustain itself and the planet. Students of environmental ethics, theology and ecology, world religions, and environmental studies will receive a solid grounding in the burgeoning field of religious ecology.
“Grim and Tucker integrate vast personal experiences and serious scholarship across multiple global cultures and disciplines to produce keen, fresh insight for today’s world. A compelling, inspirational, and hopeful look at a path to a meaningful and sustainable future.”
- Jane Lubchenco, Former Administrator of NOAA
“A must-read for anyone interested in the intersection of ecology, religion, and ethics, and in the role that religions could play in resolving the complex environmental concerns of today.”
- Eleanor Sterling, Director, Center for Biodiversity and Conservation, American Museum of Natural History
“An astonishingly comprehensive view of human relations with the natural world.”
- John Cobb, Co-Director of the Center for Process Studies, Claremont University
“The almost unimaginable environmental challenge humanity faces—a daunting Gordian knot of science, plus ethical and moral values—demands ways forward. Those will be found at the intersection of science and religion. Nobody understands this thicket—so filled with hope, promise and complexities—better than John Grim and Mary Evelyn Tucker. Ecology and Religion lights the path forward.”
- Thomas E. Lovejoy, University Professor of Environmental Science and Policy, George Mason University
“How wonderful to have the world’s leading authorities on religion and ecology, John Grim and Mary Evelyn Tucker, offer this profound but accessible examination of the field just as the world’s religions are entering their ecological phase. This book is more than a source of deep understanding–it is an inspiration.”
- James Gustave Speth, author of America the Possible: Manifesto for a New Economy
3. The Future of Ethics: Sustainability, Social Justice, and Religious Creativity (New Book by Willis Jenkins)
The Future of Ethics: Sustainability, Social Justice, and Religious Creativity
By Willis Jenkins
Georgetown University Press, 2013
The Future of Ethics interprets the big questions of sustainability and social justice through the practical problems arising from humanity’s increasing power over basic systems of life. What does climate change mean for our obligations to future generations? How can the sciences work with pluralist cultures in ways that will help societies learn from ecological change? Traditional religious ethics examines texts and traditions and highlights principles and virtuous behaviors that can apply to particular issues. Willis Jenkins develops lines of practical inquiry through “prophetic pragmatism,” an approach to ethics that begins with concrete problems and adapts to changing circumstances. This brand of pragmatism takes its cues from liberationist theology, with its emphasis on how individuals and communities actually cope with overwhelming problems. Can religious communities make a difference when dealing with these issues? By integrating environmental sciences and theological ethics into problem-based engagements with philosophy, economics, and other disciplines, Jenkins illustrates the wide understanding and moral creativity needed to live well in the new conditions of human power. He shows the significance of religious thought to the development of interdisciplinary responses to sustainability issues and how this calls for a new style of religious ethics.
“Rather than a book of despair, Jenkins argues for the possibility of religious ethics charting new strategies of moral agency by working within the traditions that form constantly shifting communities to meet the challenges of climate change and sustainability. Carefully argued, creative, and well-written, Jenkins challenges assumptions. This is a must read book.”
- Emilie Townes, Dean and Carpenter Distinguished Professor of Ethics and Society, Vanderbilt Divinity School
“When first I saw the title, The Future of Ethics, I thought it overwrought, if not pretentious. Then I read the book. This is a major, far-reaching, even indispensable, work, for the present as well as the future. Yes, I have my arguments with Jenkins. But if he is as instructed by my exchange as I am by his, both of us will be the wiser about what counts most—achieving a viable way of life for a planet in jeopardy at human hands.”
- Larry Rasmussen, Reinhold Niebuhr Professor Emeritus of Social Ethics, Union Theological Seminary, New York City
“Willis Jenkins has written a brilliant and challenging book that deserves a wide readership. His penetrating question, ‘What shall we sustain and why?’ rings true as a humane call for ever-more engaged reflection from ethicists and environmentalists interested in the future of our shared planetary life.”
- Mary Evelyn Tucker, Forum on Religion and Ecology, Yale University
4. New Publications
Thinking Like a Planet: The Land Ethic and the Earth Ethic
By J. Baird Callicott
Oxford University Press, 2014
Bringing together ecology, evolutionary moral psychology, and environmental ethics, J. Baird Callicott counters the narrative of blame and despair that prevails in contemporary discussions of climate ethics and offers a fresh, more optimistic approach. Whereas other environmental ethicists limit themselves to what Callicott calls Rational Individualism in discussing the problem of climate change only to conclude that, essentially, there is little hope that anything will be done in the face of its “perfect moral storm” (in Stephen Gardiner’s words), Callicott refuses to accept this view. Instead, he encourages us to look to the Earth itself, and consider the crisis on grander spatial and temporal scales, as we have failed to in the past. Callicott supports this theory by exploring and enhancing Aldo Leopold’s faint sketch of an Earth ethic in “Some Fundamentals of Conservation in the Southwest,” a seldom-studied text from the early days of environmental ethics that was written in 1923 but not published until 1979 after the environmental movement gathered strength.
Living with Other Beings: A Virtue-oriented Approach to the Ethics of Species Protection
By Anders Melin
(Studies in Religion and the Environment/Studien zur Religion und Umwelt Vol. 9)
LIT Verlag, 2013
Concern for rare species has been an important part of environmental activism since the first environmental movements started in the nineteenth century. Now the protection of rare species is a part of the political goal to preserve biodiversity. This book discusses ethical issues connected with the protection of rare species from a virtue-ethical perspective. It explores the following two questions: what constitutes a good human life together with other species and how can it be realized? The book takes account of both Aristotelian and Christian virtue ethics.
Religions and Environments: A Reader in Religion, Nature and Ecology
By Richard Bohannon
Bloomsbury Academic, 2014
Recent decades have witnessed a surge of literature and activism from religious leaders and thinkers on the natural environment. Religions and Environments: A Reader in Religion, Nature and Ecology brings together some of the most thought-provoking examples of such writings from the nineteenth century up to today, spanning a variety of methodological approaches and religious traditions, viewpoints and locations. This book depicts some of the diverse ways that religious narratives and practices have helped people connect to the physical world around them. To do so, it is divided into three parts: the wilderness, the garden, and the city. Traditions represented include nature spiritualities, Asian traditions, Judaism, Islam, Christianity, and indigenous traditions. Reflecting the most current scholarship in the study of religion and nature, as well as providing important historical essays, it draws on a range of perspectives and methodologies, including historical, theological, philosophical and literary methods.
Public Religion and the Urban Environment: Constructing a River Town
By Richard Bohannon
Bloomsbury Academic, 2012 (paperback: January 2014)
‘Nature’ and the ‘city’ have most often functioned as opposites within Western culture, a dichotomy that has been reinforced (and sometimes challenged) by religious images. Bohannon argues here that cities and natural environments, however, are both connected and continually affected by one another. He shows how such connections become overt during natural disasters, which disrupt the narratives people use to make sense of the world, including especially religious narratives, and make them more visible. This book offers both a theoretical exploration of the intersection of the city, nature, and religion, as well as a sociological analysis of the 1997 flood in Grand Forks, ND, USA. This case study shows how religious factors have influenced how the relationship between nature and the city is perceived, and in particular have helped to justify the urban control of nature. The narratives found in Grand Forks also reveal a broader understanding of the nature of Western cities, highlighting the potent and ethically-rich intersections between religion, cities and nature.
Natural Genesis
Published in 2002, updated 2014
This sourcebook, begun in 2002 in collaboration with Mary Evelyn Tucker, John Grim and Brian Swimme, documents the rising planetary vision of an organically developing universe, a cosmic genesis, along with pathways to a sustainable earth community. As an annotated bibliography and anthology, circa 2014 it now offers some 1500 pages and over 5000 entries. Instead of an alphabetic list, its outline tries to convey a once and future narrative of a quickening, numinous creation which involves human participation. As the logo portrays, our guiding premise is that a new composite stage of worldwide knowledge is just now emerging from the contributions of all people together. From this humankind vantage, whole earth appears as a learning planet coming to its own journey of discovery. For more, visit: www.naturalgenesis.net.
5. Journey of the Universe Events
Film Screening: Concord, MA, USA (February 23, 2014)
Trinity Episcopal Church
81 Elm St.
Concord, MA, USA
Discussion with John Grim
This event is free and open to all ages.
For the poster, visit: http://www.journeyoftheuniverse.org/storage/JOTU-Feb232014.pdf
Film Screening: Santa Monica, CA, USA (March 8, 2014)
Church in Ocean Park
235 Hill Street
Santa Monica, CA, USA
Co-sponsored by InsightLA, the Church in Ocean Park, and the Southern California Climate Exchange.
Janet McKeithen, minister@churchop.org
Michael Krass, michaelk@insightla.org
Film Screening: San Rafael, CA, USA (March 31, 2014)
Christopher B. Smith Rafael Film Center
1118 Fourth St. (Between A & B)
San Rafael, CA, USA
The film will be followed by a panel discussion and a no host reception at the theater. Brian Thomas Swimme and Mary Evelyn Tucker will be there along with a variety of people from Journey team, including Patsy Northcutt, David Kennard, Catherine Butler, Neal Rogin, Michelle Grenier, Elizabeth McAnally, and more.
Journey has been included as part of Science on Screen, a series pairing theatrical film screenings with lively scientific discussions and presentations. The Science on Screen series is made possible by a grant from the Coolidge Corner Theatre and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.
Schumacher College Course: “The Journey of the Universe – A New Story for Our Times” (June 23-27, 2014)
Course with Mary Evelyn Tucker and John Grim
Schumacher College
The Old Postern, Dartington, Totnes, Devon, United Kingdom
Contact: admin@schumachercollege.org.uk, +44 (0)1803 865934
For more information and to register, visit:
For more events, visit: http://www.journeyoftheuniverse.org/upcoming-events/
6. Events
“Theology & Ecology Colloquium”
Loyola University Chicago/Marquette Graduate Student Colloquium
Loyola University Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA
February 15, 2014
2014 Central Division Meeting of the American Philosophical Association (APA)
Palmer House Hilton, Chicago, IL, USA
February 26 - March 1, 2014
“Pax Christi / Pax Terra: Thomas Merton and Thomas Berry in Dialogue on Making Peace with Earth”
Pax Christi Metro New York Annual Retreat
St. Joseph’s Renewal Center, Brentwood, Long Island, NY, USA
February 28 - March 2, 2014
“Greening the Gods: Ecology and Theology in the Ancient World”
Cambridge University
Cambridge, United Kingdom
March 18-19, 2014
“Half the Sky, Half the Earth: A Conference on Women, Food, and Faith”
Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC, USA
March 19, 2014
“Celebrating our Relationships With Water”
13th Indigenous Women’s Symposium
Trent University, Peterborough, Ontario, Canada
March 20-23, 2014
“You Satisfy the Hungry Heart”
A retreat on the cosmic, planetary, and human evolutionary story and the Triduum Liturgy
Guided by Margaret Galiardi and Terrence Moran
The Grail, Cornwall on the Hudson, NY, USA
April 17-20, 2014
“Teilhard’s Thought: Growing the Tradition Forward”
American Teilhard Association Annual Meeting
Lecture by Elizabeth Johnson
Union Theological Seminary, New York City, NY, USA
May 3, 2014
“Nonviolence: A Weapon of the Strong (Mahatma Gandhi) – Advancing Nonviolence, Spirituality, and Social Transformation”
Keynote Speakers: Christopher Key Chapple, Heather Eaton, Paul Waldau, Rajagopal P.V., Jill Carr-Harris, Yves Maigne, Alain Tschudin, Raffi Cavoukian, Heather Milton Lightening, and Ramin Jahanbegloo
Saint Paul University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
May 8-11, 2014
For more events, visit: http://fore.research.yale.edu/calendar/
7. Calls for Papers
American Academy of Religion Annual Meeting
Concurrent with the Society of Biblical Literature
San Diego, CA, USA
November 22-25, 2014
Submission Deadline: March 3, 2014
Religion and Ecology Group - Call for Papers
Enthusiastically supporting AAR President Laurie Zoloth’s selected theme of climate change and religion, the Religion and Ecology Group invites panels (preferred) or papers related to:
• Climate change and: resilience, or humanistic approaches, or other-than-human animals
• Water and immigration
• Throw away economies
• Activist academics
• Apocalypse(s) and new worlds
Or for these possible cosponsored panels:
• The new animism: ritual and response to the nonhuman world (with Contemporary Pagan Studies Group and Ritual Studies Group)
• Climate change, death, and dying (with Religion and Animals Group and Death, Dying, and Beyond Group)
• Ecology and environment in Southeast Asia (with Religion in Southeast Asia Group)
• Land and landedness (with Scriptural and Contextual Ethics Group)
• Native traditional knowledge and environment (including climate change) (with Native Traditions in the Americas Group)
• Religious responses to and reflections on the ecological and environmental impact of international development and climate change (for a possible cosponsored session with the African Religions Group; International Development and Religions Group; and the Religions, Social Conflict, and Peace Group): As apocalyptic scenarios for climate change and its impacts on the Global South gain attention, religious authorities and ethicists are interpreting changing climate patterns in moral terms or taking ritual action to address them, giving scholars of religion opportunities to assess the religious and ethical aspects of the current situation. We seek contributions that focus on such issues on the African continent in autochthonous, Christian, Muslim, or other religious or ethical contexts.
Read more here: http://papers.aarweb.org/content/religion-and-ecology-group
For more Calls for Papers related to topics surrounding religion and ecology, see:
Animals and Religion Group
Eastern Orthodox Studies Group
The list of all Calls for Papers is available at:
“Geographies of Man: Environmental Influence from Antiquity to the Enlightenment”
A one-day interdisciplinary conference at the University of Warwick, UK
May 16, 2014
Submission Deadline: February 15, 2014
“Animal Ethics and Animal Justice”
Special edition of The Ethics Forum journal
Submission deadline for abstract: March 15, 2014
8. Online Interfaith Course on Climate Change
The Wilmette Institute will offer a 7-week online course on climate change, from March 10 - April 28, 2014.
The objectives of the course are
• to help participants become literate in the basic science of climate change and to acquire an understanding of how it impacts people today and in the future,
• to explore ethical questions related to climate change and to address them within the context of the spiritual teachings of the world’s religions, especially of the Baha’i Faith,
• to enable participants to make enlightened decisions for their lives that are consistent with their own spiritual and ethical values.
For those interested in a more thorough study of climate change or who are interested in specific aspects of it, the course offers numerous optional resources.
The Wilmette Institute is an online Baha’i Learning Center: Its courses are open to members of all religions. Participants are usually from different countries. On the faculty are Christine Muller, Arthur Lyon Dahl, Carole Flood, Karryn Olson-Ramanujan, and Gary Colliver.
For more information or to register, visit the event registration page:
9. Internships: Sustainability through Indigenous Permaculture while Addressing the Climate Crisis
Summer Learning Internships in the Peruvian High Amazon
Sustainability through Indigenous Permaculture while Addressing the Climate Crisis
Sachamama Center for Biocultural Regeneration (SCBR), Lamas, Department of San Martin, Peru
July 1-31, 2014
Deadline: May 15, 2014
This internship will teach students experientially how to re-create the perennially fertile pre-Columbian anthropogenic soil known in Brazil as Terra Preta do Indio (black earth of the Indians). This soil contains a type of charcoal made with reduced oxygen, called biochar that never decomposes in the soil, retains nutrients and sequesters greenhouse gases by keeping them in the soil permanently. Students will learn to build a backyard biochar oven on the model of the successful oven at SCBR designed by its administrator, Randy Chung Gonzales. Professor F. Apffel-Marglin has been able to successfully re-create this pre-Columbian anthropogenic soil (which in SCBR we call by its Kichwa name Yana Allpa) and create extremely fertile food gardens on degraded lands in native communities as well as in several primary and high schools in the region, in collaboration with the school board of the Lamas Province. Students will learn from SCBR permanent technical team on its Yana Allpa project. This team consists of Ingeniero Teddy Saavedra Benzaquen and Girvan Tuanama Fasabi, a deeply knowledgeable Indigenous Kichwa young farmer. Students will be taken to visit native communities as well as some of the schools SCBR works with.
Additionally, under the guidance of Professor Apffel-Marglin, students will experientially learn to relate to the earth in its many aspects as a Being – a Thou - with many different aspects rather than as an insentient, mechanical, natural resource there exclusively for satisfying some human need. Since SCBR is in an indigenous milieu, the living world of the local Kichwa indigenous people will help us to empathize and connect with that milieu without necessarily adopting their specific practices.
10. Videos: Conversations around the Green Fire
Watch videos from the 2013 Geography of Hope Conference, “Igniting the Green Fire: Finding Hope in Aldo Leopold’s Land Ethic,” held in Point Reyes Station on March 15-17, 2013. Explore 10-20 minute original videos featuring some of today’s leading thinkers, including Peter Forbes, Michael Howard, Lauret Savoy, Michelle Stevens, Julianne Lutz Warren, John de Graaf, Leslie Weldon, Gary Paul Nabhan, J. Baird Callicott, John Francis, Peter Forbes, Kathleen Dean Moore, Paul Johnson, and more. Connect with the land ethic via in-depth interviews, short presentations, and bonus Green Fire footage. Join us in Conversations around the Green Fire as we continue the dialogue started with the Green Fire documentary, our Emmy award-winning film on the life and legacy of Aldo Leopold.
Watch the videos at:
For more about the 2013 Geography of Hope Conference, visit:
11. Lent Resources
Water — its preciousness, its sacredness, its precariousness globally — is a concern for everyone concerned about religion and ecology. Terri MacKenzie’s Lent 2014 resource — I Thirst: A Lenten Journey from Desert to Garden — offers participants the opportunity to integrate their concern for water with the Lenten Scriptures and Jesus’ experiences. Grounded in the cosmic story, participants deepen their awareness of the divine energy present throughout creation. Each of the five weeks includes the components that have made this series useful on four continents: reflection, input, sharing, action suggestions, group prayer, and socializing. I Thirst is available, free, at http://ecospiritualityresources.com/lent. Users’ creativity is encouraged. Tengo Sed: Un Viaje Cuaresmal de Desierto a Jardin will be available at that site several weeks before Ash Wednesday.
Also, on February 19, 2014, Terri’s blog post (http://ecospiritualityresources.com/blog) will offer a prayer service for Ash Wednesday that celebrates our “dust” having come from stardust.
12. Job Announcement
Visiting Assistant Professor with focus on cultural studies of the environment within one of the humanities
Program in Environmental Studies, Bates College, Lewiston, ME, USA
This is a one year position beginning August 1, 2014.
Review of applications begins February 24, 2014, and will continue until the position is filled.
13. Graduate Programs
Joint MA in Religion and Ecology
Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies (FES) and Yale Divinity School (YDS), New Haven, CT, USA
This graduate program is aimed at students who wish to integrate the study of environmental issues and religious communities in their professional careers and for those who wish to study the cultural and ethical dimensions of environmental problems.
Faculty members: Mary Evelyn Tucker, John Grim, and Fred Simmons
MA and PhD in Philosophy and Religion, concentration in Philosophy, Cosmology, and Consciousness
California Institute of Integral Studies, San Francisco, CA, USA
This graduate program is dedicated to re-imagining the human species as a mutually enhancing member of the Earth community.
Faculty members: Brian Thomas Swimme, Elizabeth Allison, Sean Kelly, Richard Tarnas, and Robert McDermott
For links to more educational programs related to religion and ecology, visit:
14. Worldviews: Global Religions, Culture, and Ecology
Worldviews: Global Religions, Culture, and Ecology has as its focus the relationships between religion, culture and ecology world-wide. Articles discuss major world religious traditions, such as Islam, Buddhism or Christianity; the traditions of indigenous peoples; new religious movements; and philosophical belief systems, such as pantheism, nature spiritualities, and other religious and cultural worldviews in relation to the cultural and ecological systems. Focusing on a range of disciplinary areas including Anthropology, Environmental Studies, Geography, Philosophy, Religious Studies, Sociology and Theology, the journal also presents special issues that center around one theme.
For more information, visit: brill.com/wo
For the online edition, visit: http://booksandjournals.brillonline.com/content/journals/15685357
Table of Contents for Volume 17 (2013)
* Introduction to Special Issue: Synthetic Biology and the Notion of “Producing Life” in Different Cultures - Anna Deplazes-Zemp
* How Do We See That Something Is Living? Synthetic Creatures and Phenomenology of Perception - Christoph Rehmann-Sutter
* Biocentrism, Religion and Synthetic Biology - Robin Attfield
* From Homo Faber to Homo Creator? A Theological-Ethical Expedition into the Anthropological Depths of Synthetic Biology - Matthias Braun, Jens Ried and Peter Dabrock
* Playing God? Synthetic Biology from a Protestant Perspective - Christina Aus der Au
* The Oromo Conception of Life: An Introduction - Workineh Kelbessa
* Ethics of Synthetic Life: A Jaina Perspective - Christopher Key Chapple
* Introduction to Special Issue: “Living Water” - Franz Krause and Veronica Strang
* Keeping the Faith: Divine Protection and Flood Prevention in Modern Buddhist Ladakh - Andrea Butcher
* From Living Water to the “Water of Death”: Implicating Social Resilience in Northeastern Siberia - Susan A. Crate
* Water as a Vital Substance in Post-Socialist Kyrgyzstan - Stephanie J. Bunn
* “Living Water” in Nguni Healing Traditions, South Africa - Penelope S. Bernard
* Making Sense of Water Quality: Multispecies Encounters on the Mystic River - Caterina Scaramelli
* Going Against the Flow: The Biopolitics of Dams and Diversions - Veronica Strang
* Rapids on the “Stream of Life”: The Significance of Water Movement on the Kemi River - Franz Krause
* On the Ethics of International Religious/Spiritual Gatherings and Academic Conferencing in the Era of Global Warming: A Case Study of the Parliament of The World’s Religions Melbourne 2009 - Part 2 - Almut Beringer and Steven Douglas
* The Least of My Brethren: Mining, Indigenous Peoples, and the Roman Catholic Church in the Philippines - William N. Holden
* Extinction and Progress in Charles Kingsley’s Alton Locke (1850) - Laurence Talairach-Vielmas
* Laura M. Hartman. The Christian Consumer: Living Faithfully in a Fragile World
* William S. Hamrick and Jan Van der Veken. Nature and Logos: A Whiteheadian Key to Merleau-Ponty’s Fundamental Thought
* Susan Power Bratton. The Spirit of the Appalachian Trail: Community, Environment, and Belief on a Long-Distance Hiking Path
* Larry Rasmussen. Earth Honoring Faith: Religious Ethics in a New Key
* Whitney A. Sanford. Growing Stories from India: Religion and the Fate of Agriculture
* Clifford Chalmers Cain (ed). Many Heavens, One Earth: Readings on Religion and the Environment
* Nancy Ellen Abrams and Joel R. Primack. The New Universe and the Human Future: How a Shared Cosmology Could Transform the World
* Donal Dorr. Option for the Poor and the Earth: Catholic Social Teachings
* Beningo P. Beltran. Faith and Struggle on Smokey Mountain: Hope for a Planet in Peril
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