Archdiocese of Atlanta Laudato Si’ Action Plan
Archdiocese of Sydney Laudato Si’ Action Toolkit
Bethany Land Institute
See this statement.
Catholic Climate Covenant: Laudato Si Resources
* 2019 Feast of St. Francis: “We Are All Connected: Cry of the Earth, Cry of the Poor”
EcoJesuit: Guidance Map for Pope Francis’ Encyclical Laudato Si
For Our Common Home - Resounding Ecojustice
An oratorio by Linda. J. Chase adapted from Laudato Si’
Ignatian Solidarity Network: Papal Encyclical on Ecology 2015
Intercommunity Peace & Justice Center: A New Solidarity With Creation
Laudato Si’ Action Plan & 7 Laudato Si’ Goals
Laudato Si' Movement
Sign up for their newsletter here.
Laudato Si’ Research Institute
Laudato Si Spirit: Prayers & Devotionals
Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace: Laudato-Si.net
Online Courses:
“Integral Ecology: From Laudato Si’ to Laudate Deum”
This online course by Gregorian Pontifical University in Rome will be officially inaugurated on January 30 and admissions remain open until March 15. Register here.
Laudato Si' Animators
Free online courses by the Laudato Si' Movement
Header photo: His Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew and His Holiness Pope Francis, ©Nikolaos Manginas