In the overview essay by Benedikt Peschl, we learn that ecological preservation and care is built into the tenets of the Zoroastrian faith. In their cosmology, humans are the “champions of the good cosmic forces,” taking an active part in the cosmic drama. The natural world is the creation and domain of Ahura Mazdā (God). Nature is seen as “wholly good” and the elements are objects of worship. Elemental connection is interwoven into the tradition. This can be seen in their fire temples and practices and rituals such as Āb Zōhr (Libation to the Waters), a reenactment of Zarathustra's original cleansing of the waters of the Earth. The belief that humans can affect change and purify what has been sullied is also a key feature providing hope. Peschl says “Zoroastrianism is unique in offering a strongly optimistic view regarding the capacity of humans to make a tangible change in this world.”
Overview Essay
Here you will find full text of Benedikt Peschl’s introductory essay on Zoroastrianism and Ecology, which provides historical and cosmological context with a wealth of textual support from the Avesta and other traditional Zoroastrian sources. |
This resource was compiled by Homi D. Gandhi, former President of the Federation of Zoroastrian Associations of North America, and expanded by Forum staff. It provides books and scholarly articles of interest for those doing further study on Zoroastrianism and ecology. |
Here you’ll find statements on the environment and the global ecological crisis from Zoroastrian organizations and institutions. |
Engaged Projects |
Sacred Texts Here you will find a small selection of passages relating to Earth and the environment. This listing is by no means exhaustive but serves as a jumping off point for further investigation. |
Located here are multimedia offerings of interest, relating to the intersection of Zoroastrianism and ecology. |
In addition to the links in the Engaged Projects section, we have provided a brief list of additional online resources here. |
Header photo: Zoroastrian Faravahar symbol on the facade of a fire temple in Yazd; knovakov/Shutterstock