John Grim is co-director of the Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology with his wife, Mary Evelyn Tucker. They are affiliated faculty with the Yale Center for Environmental Justice at the Yale School of the Environment. With Tucker, Grim directed a 10 conference series and book project at Harvard on “World Religions and Ecology.” They have created six online courses in “Religions and Ecology: Restoring the Earth Community.”
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Grim teaches courses in Native American and Indigenous religions and World religions and ecology. He has undertaken field work with the Crow/Apsaalooke people of Montana and Salish people of Washington state. He is the author of The Shaman: Patterns of Religious Healing Among the Ojibway Indians (University of Oklahoma Press, 1983). Grim edited Indigenous Traditions and Ecology: The Interbeing of Cosmology and Community (Harvard, 2001).
Grim and Tucker are the co-authors of a new overview of the field titled Ecology and Religion (Island Press, 2014). Together they have co-edited the following volumes: Worldviews and Ecology(Orbis, 1994); the Daedalus volume titled Religion and Ecology: Can the Climate Change? (2001); Thomas Berry: Selected Writings on the Earth Community (Orbis, 2014); and Living Cosmology: Christian Responses to Journey of the Universe (Orbis Books, 2016). Grim, Tucker, and Willis Jenkins co-edited the Routledge Handbook on Religion and Ecology (Routledge, 2017). Grim and Tucker recently published Thomas Berry: A Biography (Columbia University Press, 2019).
John Grim is co-executive producer of the Emmy award winning film, Journey of the Universe. This film is the center piece of massive open online courses (MOOCs) offered by Yale/Coursera.
Grim and Tucker have spoken and written extensively about the Papal Encyclical on the environment titled Laudato Si’. See especially their article “Integrating Ecology and Justice: The Papal Encyclical” in The Quarterly Review of Biology in September 2016.
For more, read these articles:
John Grim on Standing Rock: ‘This is Not Only About Water, It’s All About Water’