Center for the Study of World Religions (CSWR)
Culminating Conference Participants
Go here to read brief biographies of the participants.
Karim Ahmed
Frederique Apffel-Marglin
Mary Barber
David Barnhill
Barbara Baudot
Peter Berle
Rosemarie Bernard
Thomas Berry
John Berthrong
Anne Birdwhistell
Donald Brown
Lawrence Buell
J. Baird Callicott
Douglas Candland
John Carroll
Christopher Chapple
Eric Chivian
John Chryssavgis
Richard Clugston
Lane and Sarah Conn
Anthony Cortese
Paul Deats
Frederick Denny
Vasudha Dhagamwar
Alnoor Dhanani
David Eckel
Niles Eldredge
William Fisher
Richard Foltz
Michael Fox
Joe Franke
Claire Gaudiani
Maninder Gill
John Gillroy
James Gillespie
Ann Gold
Rachel Goldberg
Ursula Goodenough
Neva Goodwin
Paul Gorman
William Grassie
John Grim
David Haberman
Safei-Eldin Hamed
Nomanul Haq
Dieter Hessel
Brennan Hill
Mary Ann Hinsdale
Mark Jacobs
Ogbu Kalu
Tazim Kassam
Gordon Kaufman
Catherine Keller
Craig Kochel
Frank Korom
Kenneth Kraft
Kwok Pui-lan
Robert Lange
Winston Langley
Leroy Little Bear
Mary MacDonald
Michael McElroy
Sallie McFague
Daniel Maguire
Stephen Marglin
Joan Martin
Robert Massie
Mary Maxwell
Don Melnick
James Miller
Victor Montejo
William Moomaw
Vijaya Nagarajan
Vasudha Narayanan
James Nash
Lance Nelson
Melissa Nelson
Donald Oliver
Anil Patel
Mary Pearl
William Pedersen
Rodney Peterson
Dennis Pirages
Robert Pollack
Joseph Prabhu
Katharine Preston
Michael Puett
Christopher Queen
Steven Rockefeller
William Ryan
Jame Schaefer
Juliet Schor
Steven Shaw
Alwi Shihab
Larry Shinn
Otto Solbrig
Leslie Sponsel
Poranee Natadecha Sponsel
Stephen Stamos
Virginia Straus
Lawrence Sullivan
Donald Swearer
Gary Tabor
Ines Talamantez
Mitchell Thomashow
Mark Wallace
Tu Weiming
Mary Evelyn Tucker
Nargis Virani
Paul Waldau
Timothy C. Weiskel
Robert Weller
Edward O. Wilson
Malcolm Young