Center for the Study of World Religions (CSWR) Culminating Conference:
Religion, Ethics, and the Environment: An Interdisciplinary Dialogue
September 17-20, 1998
Thursday, September 17
Lawrence Sullivan, Director, CSWR
John Berthrong, Boston University
The Emerging Alliance of Religion and Ecology
Speakers - John Grim and Mary Evelyn Tucker, Bucknell University
Cosmology, Worldviews, and Ecology
Moderator - Mary Evelyn Tucker, Bucknell University
Panel - E. O. Wilson, Harvard University
Niles Eldredge, American Museum of Natural History
Gordon Kaufman, Harvard University
Thomas Berry, Fordham University, Emeritus
Environmental Ethics and World Religions
Speakers - J. Baird Callicott, University of North Texas
Steven Rockefeller, Middlebury College
Dinner speakers - Tu Weiming, Harvard University
Michael McElroy, Harvard University
Friday, September 18
Religious Perspectives on the Environment: Panel Discussion
Moderator - Lawrence Sullivan, Harvard University
Hinduism - Lance Nelson, University of San Diego
Buddhism - Donald Swearer, Swathmore College
Confucianism - Tu Weiming, Harvard University
Taoism - James Miller, Boston University
Shinto - Rosemarie Bernard, Harvard University
Indigenous Traditions - Victor Montejo, University of Calilfornia, Davis
Judaism - Steve Shaw, Jewish Theological Seminary
Christianity - Sallie McFague, Vanderbilt University
Islam - Nomanul Haq, Rutgers University
Changing Attitudes Toward the Environment
Eric Chivian, Center for Health and the Global Environment, Harvard Medical School
Interdisciplinary Panel on the Role of Religion in Enhancing Environmental Education
Moderator - Anthony Cortese, Second Nature
Christopher Key Chapple, Loyola Marymount University
Rick Clugston, Center for Respect of Life and Environment
Claire Gaudiani, Connecticut College
Donald Oliver, Harvard University
Larry Shinn, Berea College
Mitchell Thomashow, Antioch New England
General Discussion with Audience
Moderator - Don Melnick, Columbia University
Summary Comments
Robert Pollack, Columbia University
Saturday, September 19
Interdisciplinary Panel on Biodiversity, Biophilia, and Religious Values
Moderator - Douglas Candland, Bucknell University
E. O.Wilson, Harvard University
Otto Solbrig, Harvard University
Niles Eldredge, American Museum of Natural History
Ursula Goodenough, Washington University
John Grim, Bucknell University
Ann Gold, Syracuse University
General Discussion with Audience
Moderator - Mary Pearl, Wildlife Preservation Trust and Columbia University
Interdisciplinary Panel on Sustainable Development and Environmental Ethics
Moderator - William Moomaw, Tufts University
Donald Brown, Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection
Dennis Pirages, University of Maryland
John Gillroy, Bucknell University
Mary Barber, Ecological Society of America
Neva Goodwin, Tufts University
Nargis Virani, Harvard University
Frederique Apffel-Marglin, Smith College
Interdisciplinary Panel on Consumption, Restraint, and Religion
Moderator - Robert Massie, CERES
Juliet Schor, Harvard University
Stephen Marglin, Harvard University
Stephen Stamos, Bucknell University
Timothy Weiskel, Harvard University
Kenneth Kraft, Lehigh University
Frederick Denny, University of Colorado, Boulder
Film on the Narmada Dam
“Narmada: A Valley Rises” by Ali Kazimi
Sunday, September 20
Case Study of the Narmada Dam in India
Introduced and Moderated by: William Fisher, Harvard University
Interdisciplinary Conversation from the perspectives of religion, science, economics, public policy, public health, education
Overview and Moderator - William Fisher, Harvard University
Presentations - Anil Patel, Action Research in Community Health (ARCH)
Maninder Gill, World Bank
Vasundha Dhagamwar, Human Rights Program, Harvard Law School
David Haberman, Indiana University