December 22, 2012By Joel GreenbergThe Washington Post
BATTIR, West Bank — The old stone-walled farming terraces of this scenic Palestinian village near Jerusalem...
December 2012
December 21, 2012United Nations Environment Programme
New York / Nairobi - Another step forward to the ‘Future We Want’ was put in place today with a decision by the General...
December 13, 2012By Nick DiUlioPrinceton Environmental Institute
Environmental awareness comes in many forms. Often, it is shaped by an understanding of science or public...
December 12, 2012EU Neighborhood Info Center
Friends of the Earth Middle East (FoEME) organized a concert this week in the Palestinian village of Battir to raise...
December 7, 2012World Council of Churches Statement from the World Council of Churches To the High-Level Ministerial Segment of the 18th Session of the Conference of the...
December 6, 2012
By Rabbi Arthur Waskow
The Shalom Center
To put the bottom line first: Below is an invitation to join in and/or support a Multi-faith Pray-in...
December 5, 2012By Eric Anderson The Connecticut Conference United Church Center
WEST HARTFORD – Over twenty-five ordained and lay church leaders took first steps on...
December 3, 2012 By Rabbi Arthur WaskowThe Shalom Center
Hanukkah’s Light beyond Doha’s Darkness
In Doha, Qatar, yet another conference of...
December 3, 2012By Marlise SimonsNew York Times
At a conference near Istanbul last June, the chimpanzee expert Jane Goodall spoke about the endangered habitat of what she...
December 3, 2012By Rabbi Arthur WaskowThe Shalom Center
The Green Menorah Commitment: Action to Avert Global Scorching
The first night of Hanukkah is this coming...
New Book Series by Fordham University Press
Forrest Clingerman and Brian Treanor, Series Editors
Connecting areas of philosophical, theological, and ecological...
December 1, 2012By Associated Press
DOHA, Qatar (AP) — At Friday prayers in Qatar’s most popular mosque, the imam discussed the civil war in Syria, the unrest in...