News Items

The Forum regularly posts news articles of interest here from a variety of sources and news outlets. You can check back here or view the most recent ones from the homepage. We also archive these articles here, for those doing research, with news going back to 2006. Use the menu on the right to explore the archived articles.


January 19, 2018
By Lucien Chauvin
Washington Post

Pope Francis landed in the Amazon on Friday, bringing his environmental crusade to a rough-and-tumble corner of Peru’s jungle that is besieged by deforestation and illegal mining.

January 19, 2018
By Jamie Manson
Global Sisters Report

The fight by the Adorers of the Blood of Christ against a natural gas pipeline went to an appeals court Friday, Jan. 19, as their attorneys argued that the case should be heard by a lower court that had dismissed it.

January 17, 2018
By Joshua J. McElwee
National Catholic Reporter

TEMUCO, Chile — Pope Francis told Chile’s indigenous people Jan. 17 to shun bloodshed in their decades-long struggle with the country’s government over control of their native lands, warning that violence “eventually turns even the most just cause into a lie.”

January 16, 2018
By Niina Heikkinen, ClimateWire
Scientific American

U.S. Christians’ concerns about the environment and climate change haven’t shifted much in the past two decades, despite a push by some religious leaders to increase attention on the issue, a new study finds.

In fact, Christians’ views may be reversing course since the 1990s, according to David Konisky...

January 12, 2018
By Niina Heikkinen
E&E News

To keep the Clean Power Plan alive, some people are appealing to Scott Pruitt’s faith in God.

January 11, 2018
By Mark Trahant
YES! Magazine

The Trump administration, and its allies in Congress, are fighting a losing war. They continue to press forward for the development of oil, gas, and coal when the rest of the world understands the implication of that folly. Global warming is the most pressing issue for our time. Period.

The thing is governments really have...

January 8, 2018
By Inés San Martín

Three years ago, Pope Francis shattered the all-time record for turnout for a papal Mass by drawing an estimated six million people in Manila, the capital of the Philippines. The previous record had also been set in the heavily Catholic Asian nation, when St. Pope John Paul II is believed to have celebrated a concluding Mass at World...

January 5, 2018
By Carol Glatz, Catholic News Service  
National Catholic Reporter

Vatican City — A lifestyle that is environmentally ethical cannot be “schizophrenic” — for example, by showing more care for animals and forests, than for the plight of people, Pope Francis said.

A green lifestyle must be consistent and complete, driven by a love for God...

January 3, 2018
By Barbara J. Fraser
National Catholic Reporter

TEMUCO, Chile — Sergio Catalaf’s son was just 3 days old when police arrested the Mapuche Indian leader, accusing him of terrorism. He and 10 other Mapuche leaders spent 14 months in preventive detention before being acquitted in October of setting fire to a farmhouse in which an elderly couple...

December 31, 2017
By Haares Munir
Daily Times

Food and Agricultural Organisation Pakistan shall gear up and lead a Sustainable Mountain Development agenda,’ says Founding Director Pakistan Mountain Festival Munir Ahmed