News Items

The Forum regularly posts news articles of interest here from a variety of sources and news outlets. You can check back here or view the most recent ones from the homepage. We also archive these articles here, for those doing research, with news going back to 2006. Use the menu on the right to explore the archived articles.


December 1, 2017
By Brian Roewe
National Catholic Reporter

It’s ‘a sane program’ worth saving, they say

At public hearings this week in the heart of coal country, local and national Catholic groups argued the moral case for preserving national standards on carbon pollution from power plants.

The hearings, held Nov. 28-29, in Charleston, West...

By Ibrahim Özdemir
Acta Via Serica
Vol. 2, No. 2
pp. 87-110
December 2017

November 30, 2017
By Korene Charnofsky Cohen
Arizona Jewish Post

Climate change is happening in the Southwestern United States and across the globe, and Judaism gives us an incentive to address environmental problems, says Gregg Garfin, Ph.D., university director of the Southwest Climate Science Center at the University of Arizona. Garfin presented “The Changing Climate of...

November 30, 2017
Vatican Radio

Pope Francis has sent a video message to an International Symposium on his ecological encyclical “Laudato si”, entitled, “The care of the common home, a necessary conversion to human ecology.”

The event which is taking place this week in Costa Rica has been organized by the...

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The Nature Conservancy and DC’s Catholic Archdiocese collaborate on stormwater retention project at historic Mount Olivet Cemetery

The Nature Conservancy
November 28, 2017

Green infrastructure project aims to improve water quality in Anacostia River and Chesapeake Bay; will generate stormwater credits for sale in DC’s SRC market...

November 29, 2017
By Rebecca Rafferty
Rochester City Newspaper

November 28, 2017
By Richard Halstead
Marin Independent Journal

A Marin environmentalist who helped bring a lawsuit challenging the proposed extension of the Keystone XL pipeline is celebrating a legal win after a federal judge ruled the case can proceed.

The Trump administration tried to have our lawsuit dismissed,” said former Fairfax mayor...

November 25, 2017
By Jonathan Granoff
Huffington Post

November 22, 2017

The recent decision by Nebraska state authorities that gave a go-ahead to TransCanada to build the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline, has not stopped determined protesters and environmental activists from continuing with their larger mission to put an end to the “Black Snake” pipeline projects endangering the well being of several communities across the...

November 21, 2017
By Camilla Capasso
UN Environment

Camilla Capasso of the Forest Peoples Programme explains how indigenous communities in Peru have taken the lead in making polluters pay for contamination in their ancestral lands.