News Items

The Forum regularly posts news articles of interest here from a variety of sources and news outlets. You can check back here or view the most recent ones from the homepage. We also archive these articles here, for those doing research, with news going back to 2006. Use the menu on the right to explore the archived articles.


November 19, 2017
By Christine Laga
Xinhua Net

NAIROBI – The concept of ecological civilization espoused by China will stabilize the world order that has endured tremors linked to rise of populism in the West as well as climate change, conflicts, economic slowdown and terrorism, a Kenyan scholar said on Sunday.

November 16, 2017
By Brian Roewe
National Catholic Reporter

As United Nations climate change negotiations wound down in Bonn, Germany, Catholics, including the pope, pressed the international community for more ambitious action to combat global warming. The push included urging from 161 U.S. Catholic organizations and universities that their government recommit to seriously...

November 13, 2017
By Carol Glatz
Catholic News Service

VATICAN CITY (CNS) – Global problems associated with climate change demand global cooperation, Pope Francis told a group of heads of state from the Pacific Islands.

The planet Earth, when viewed from space, is a world without borders, he said, and “it reminds us of the need for a global outlook, international...

November 11, 2017
By Dr. Khursheed Ahmad Wani
Kashmir Monitor

November 11, 2017
By Nicole Winfield, The Associated Press
CTV News

VATICAN CITY – Pope Francis on Saturday blasted “shortsighted human activity” for global warming and rising sea levels and urged leaders at climate talks in Germany to take a global outlook as they negotiate ways to curb heat-trapping emissions.

Francis met with a delegation of Pacific leaders and...

November 10, 2017
By Brian Roewe
National Catholic Reporter

With the annual United Nations climate change conference under way, COP23 has taken the gathering somewhere it hasn’t gone before, well sort of.

The physical host of the latest global climate summit (Nov. 6-17) is Bonn, Germany, where the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change has its headquarters. But...

Full title:

International Rights of Nature Tribunal in Bonn Finds Legal Systems Incapable of Preventing Climate Change and Protecting Nature

November 10, 2017
Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature

November 9, 2017
By Taylor Jade Powell
HUB – Johns Hopkins University

Winona LaDuke communicated her visions for a multicultural democracy and a sustainable economy with wit, anecdotes, facts, and figures on Wednesday night to an overflow crowd at Johns Hopkins University’s Mason Hall auditorium.

November 6, 2017
By Achim Steiner, Patricia Espinosa, and Robert Glasser
National Catholic Reporter

Editor’s note: COP23, the annual United Nations climate change negotiations, opened Nov. 6 in Bonn, Germany, with Fiji as the presiding nation. NCR publishes the following op-ed from U.N. officials as part of its coverage of the international climate summit...

Planet, people take back seat to business since election

By Brian Roewe
National Catholic Reporter
November 7, 2017

After a September visit to Florida to survey damage waged by Hurricane Irma, President Donald Trump was asked whether the storm, along with Hurricane Harvey in the Gulf Coast, had changed his views on climate change.
