News Items

The Forum regularly posts news articles of interest here from a variety of sources and news outlets. You can check back here or view the most recent ones from the homepage. We also archive these articles here, for those doing research, with news going back to 2006. Use the menu on the right to explore the archived articles.


July 2, 2018
Jesuits in Britain

The Jesuits in Britain are pleased to announce that a new research institute called the Laudato Si’ Institute (LSI) is being established at Campion Hall, the Jesuit permanent private hall of the University of Oxford. The LSI will be established during the academic year 2018-2019 and...

June 30, 2018
By Christopher White
The Tablet

ROME – Jeffrey Sachs – one of the world’s best-known economists – is also arguably one of the world’s biggest cheerleaders of Pope Francis and believes him to be the most important moral leader in the world today.

By Erin Lothes Biviano
College of St. Elizabeth, Morristown, NJ - USA

Relations – 6.1
June 2018



‘There is no time to lose’

By Tony Magliano
National Catholic Reporter
June 29, 2018

Challenging world oil executives to recognize the urgent environmental need to quickly transition from fossil fuel extraction and burning to clean energy production, Pope Francis called them to take to heart that “civilization requires energy, but energy must not...

June 26, 2018
By Juliet Eilperin
Washington Post

ABOARD THE SHIP MORE SPACIOUS THAN THE HEAVENS — Off the island of Spetses, the leader of 300 million Christians worldwide told a group of nearly 200 religious leaders, academics and activists that they needed to move beyond intellectualism when it came to the environment.

June 22, 2018
By Paul Grogan
Tibet Sun

The Earth is undoubtedly facing a global environmental crisis. Human activities are changing the climate, melting the glaciers, clearing the forest, exterminating many species, creating antibiotic resistance, polluting our water sources, and moving species into new locations where their success becomes a problem.

Most people are...

June 21, 2018
United Nations Environment Program

The world, not just the UN, is waking up to the power of faith-based organizations (FBOs). How can Islam, and other faiths, contribute to solutions to sustainability and mitigate climate change risks?

June 19, 2018
By Veerabhadran Ramanathan, Daniel J. Misleh, and Daniel R. DiLeo
The Hill

Pope Francis recently convened oil and gas corporation executives and investors to share some hard truths about fossil fuels and catastrophic climate change. In doing so, the Holy Father extended the Christian tradition of witnessing challenging truths to the public and influential members...

June 19, 2018
By Rev. Margaret Bullitt-Jonas
Reviving Creation

Coming Up on Fifty Years Since The First Earth Day (April 1970):

Bring Gary Paul Nabhan—Who Worked at the First Earth Day HQ—to Your Community to Discuss a Half Century of Lessons from “The Radical Center” of Collaborative Community-Based Conservation