News Items

The Forum regularly posts news articles of interest here from a variety of sources and news outlets. You can check back here or view the most recent ones from the homepage. We also archive these articles here, for those doing research, with news going back to 2006. Use the menu on the right to explore the archived articles.


August 8, 2018
By Samantha Harrington
Yale Climate Connections

His faith motivated him to go solar.

Listen to the audio recording of this story here:

August 8, 2018
By Damian Avevor, Catholic News Service
National Catholic Reporter

Accra, Ghana — A top Vatican official urged young people at a local World Youth Day gathering to protect the planet and actively live the teachings of Pope Francis’ encyclical on the environment.

Expressing concern for the accelerating degradation of Earth, Cardinal Peter...

August 6, 2018
By Hannah Natanson
Washington Post

The sound of drumming filtered through the trees and called the people from their cars.

Toting folding chairs and slathered in bug spray, they came from the parking lot — some young, some old; some in pairs, some alone; many in Tevas, a few barefoot. Without speaking, they set their chairs in a circle in a leafy clearing...

August 5, 2018
By Rina Chandran

BANGKOK (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Saw Ma Bu’s family has lived in the mountainous forests of Myanmar’s Kayin state for generations, farming and fishing in the Salween river, even as a decades-long armed conflict raged in the region.

Now, he says, they fear their way of life is under threat as the government declares swathes...

August 3, 2018
By Catholic News Service
National Catholic Reporter

Manila, Philippines — The social action arm of the Philippine Catholic bishops’ conference is doubling efforts to promote the use of renewable energy to light up poor communities around the country.

Caritas Philippines has partnered with a local solar power system provider to...

August 2, 2018
By Michael Swan, Catholic News Service
National Catholic Reporter

Toronto — Canada’s two largest churches, which represent two-thirds of Canadian Christians, have jointly declared that climate change and ecological degradation are central, enduring concerns for Christians.

The declaration is contained in “The Hope Within Us,” a document...

August 2, 2018
By Sarah Brodsky

Drawing on many faith communities’ belief in the importance of stewarding the earth and caring for its inhabitants, faith-based shareholders have taken strides to mitigate the harmful effects of climate change by engaging corporations to take notice of the scientific and financial case for reducing climate risks.

August 1, 2018
By Yessenia Funes

Construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline is set to begin in 2019, but before then, the public has a chance to comment on the new environmental assessment that the State Department released Monday. And so far, some tribal members and...

Full title:

Amazon of the North”: Canada’s Boreal Forest Could Save the Planet – But Only If Trudeau’s Government Saves It First

By Margie Kelly
Natural Resources Defense Council
July 25, 2018