News Items

The Forum regularly posts news articles of interest here from a variety of sources and news outlets. You can check back here or view the most recent ones from the homepage. We also archive these articles here, for those doing research, with news going back to 2006. Use the menu on the right to explore the archived articles.


June 18, 2018
By Brian Roewe
National Catholic Reporter

Close to 600 Catholic institutions have signed the Catholic Climate Declaration, which renews Catholic support for continuing U.S. actions to address climate change despite backpedaling by the Trump administration.

June 15, 2018
By Luke Henkel

After spending four days at the Living Laudato Si’ spirituality for action workshop in Bendum, Bukidnon province in the Philippines, I am left with just one word that resonates across my lips, my heart, and my soul.  That word is enormous.

Enormous can refer to much more than quantifiable size: it is a word that describes...

June 14, 2018
By Rizki Nugraha and Ayu Purwaningsih
Deutsche Welle

The Indonesian government and Greenpeace have partnered with Islamic organizations to promote plastic waste reduction. Can including religion make environmental campaigns more effective?

Indonesia’s top Muslim clerical body, the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI), together with Greenpeace and the Indonesian...

June 13, 2018
By Diana Swift
Anglican Journal

The waves of Lake Ontario lapped a light andante to the prayers, chants and drumbeats of a powerful ceremony—Toronto’s second annual Niigaani-gichigami Gratitude Walk and Festival.

Held June 8 just before dusk in a downtown waterfront park, the interfaith spiritual gathering attracted First Nations and non-First...

June 11, 2018
By Jim Antal

When the leader of one of the world’s major faith traditions convenes two hundred leaders who have given their lives to combat climate change, an endless flow of creative ideas, perspectives and projects emerges. I offer the following takeaways in the hope that they will be useful to all who share a commitment to restore God’s great gift of creation....

June 11, 2018
By Jim Antal

Last week, the religious leaders of a quarter of the world’s population confronted the climate crisis – and I was honored to be part of the conversation.

Full title:

ISKCON’s Govardhan Eco Village, Mumbai and Sacred Ecology Forum Hosts Global Conference on Sustainability in Manhattan

June 11, 2018
APN News

New Delhi : The Bhakti Centre (TBC), located in the heart of Manhattan, an educational and cultural centre centered on the Vedic values, recently hosted a unique confluence of academicians,...

June 9, 2018
By Elisabetta Povoledo
New York Times

ROME — Three years ago, Pope Francis issued a sweeping letter that highlighted the global crisis posed by climate change and called for swift action to save the environment and the planet.

On Saturday, the pope gathered money managers and titans of the world’s biggest oil companies during a closed-door conference at the...