News Items

The Forum regularly posts news articles of interest here from a variety of sources and news outlets. You can check back here or view the most recent ones from the homepage. We also archive these articles here, for those doing research, with news going back to 2006. Use the menu on the right to explore the archived articles.


June 9, 2018
The Guardian

Pope Francis has told oil company chiefs that the world must switch to clean energy because climate change risks destroying humanity.

Civilisation requires energy, but energy use must not destroy civilisation,” he said at the end of a two-day conference at the...

June 8, 2018
By Filipe Domingues

ROME - One of the greatest allies of Pope Francis in promoting international initiatives that defend the environment is the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, Bartholomew I.

The spiritual leader of the Orthodox Church, Bartholomew has been promoting a Christian theology of the environment for decades.

June 5, 2018
Healing Minnesota Stories (blog)

Curtiss DeYoung, CEO of the Minnesota Council of Churches, stood before a crowd of hundreds of people Monday afternoon at Leif Erickson Park to state the shared belief of many religious leaders that the state should reject the Enbridge Line 3 crude oil pipeline on moral grounds.

June 5, 2018
By Mat McDermott
Patheos - Samudra

June 5, 2018
By Brian Roewe and Joshua J. McElwee
National Catholic Reporter

World’s leading oil industry executives attending ‘energy transition’ conference

Rome — Pope Francis and Vatican officials plan to meet with some of the world’s leading oil executives this week, in what appears as an effort to lobby the industry to take the dangers of...

June 1, 2018
By Katharine Hayhoe

May 30, 2018
By Marni Folkman
Jewish Exponent

Jewish families in the Philadelphia-area passionate about gardening and sustainability now have an opportunity to participate in agricultural activities that strengthen religious engagement and foster spiritual growth.

The Jewish Farm School, a nonprofit that offers children an alternative, environmental education, launched...

May 25, 2018
By Veerabhadran Ramanathan
The Hill

This spring, glaciologists released new data which suggested that the massive ice sheets in the Antarctic can melt faster than expected with climate change. We learned that the gulf stream and associated large-scale oceanic circulation which influences weather in the east coast and Europe is slowing down. These data were...

May 24, 2018
By Danny McDonald
Boston Globe

Cardinal Seán P. O’Malley, the Roman Catholic archbishop of Boston, led a group of hundreds of local religious leaders and scientists appealing for action on climate change on Wednesday.

O’Malley was among the 500-plus signatories to endorse an appeal that was released Wednesday calling for the climate crisis to be addressed “...