Hinduism and Ecology Conference Participants
Go here to read abstracts from the Hinduism and Ecology Conference and brief biographies of the participants.
Anil Agarwal
Kelly Alley
Frederique Apffel-Marglin
Harry Blair
Christopher Key Chapple
Kamla Chowdry
Frank Clooney
Chris Deegan
O. P. Dwivedi
Diana Eck
M. David Eckel
Anne Feldhaus
William Fisher
Ann Gold
Shrivatsa Goswami
John Grim
David Haberman
Jack Hawley
George James
Madhu Khanna
Frank Korom
Vinay Lal
David Lee
Julius Lipner
Philip Lutgendorf
Mary McGee
Vijaya Nagarajan
Lance Nelson
Pramod Parajuli
Laurie Patton
Kusumita Pedersen
Ranchor Prime
K. L. Seshagiri Rao
T. S. Rukmani
Arvind Sharma
Larry Shinn
Jael Silliman
Lawrence Sullivan
Mary Evelyn Tucker