Welcome to the new Yale Forum Blog!
We will be sharing a variety of original content including interviews, reviews, reports from the field, new and enhanced resources on the Forum website, content from our new video podcast series, FORE Spotlights, and much more.
Check back every Tuesday and Thursday for new content.

We wanted to highlight a number of upcoming online events. There is certainly an abundance of rich offerings to kick off the year that you can access no matter where you are in the world. From Thomas to Teilhard to trees, these webinars promise to engage and inform, including one on the increasingly important subject of ecological civilization.

Well we've laid 2023 to rest and are ready to move bravely and gently forward into a new phase. We won't leave Hope behind–it will sit with us as we move through the joys and challenges of the months to come. But for this new year, we're going to shift gears here on the Forum blog and bring you a new theme and focus for our exploration. The theme for 2024 is Syntropy (or Syntrophy*).
The term was coined by Buckminster Fuller, and his understanding of it was based on the thought and work...

For the last 12 months you've heard what I and certain figures (ie, Krista Tippet, May Sarton) have to say about the increasingly important topic of Hope. So, to close out our year-long exploration, today I bring you some reflections from the rest of the Forum team.
I asked them each: What brings you Hope? What is something that gives you the spark to go on in the face of our challenging climate truths and global picture? They were welcome to write something or share a poem, image, video, or other expression. Here...

Joyous Solstice to one and all!
As we shared back in October, for our 25th anniversary year, the Forum is releasing a collection of rare audio recordings of Thomas Berry in conversation with Brian Thomas Swimme. We will release one part per month. In October we brought you the project Introduction by Mary Evelyn Tucker and Part 1: Where are We and How did We Get Here?, with an introduction by...

In a few weeks, we'll be wrapping up our blog theme for the year: Hope. But we know this holiday season is proving quite difficult for many. And others are grieving at not seeing the result they felt was necessary for Earth's survival from the COP28 meetings; at the situations in Israel/Palestine, the Ukraine and Russia, and beyond; and at the loss from this year's extreme weather events. We grieve as a planet, and we grieve in our local communities at the hate rising up in places where we never thought it possible, like...

Today in the blog, we'll be sharing information on the Call to Action that has emerged from the COP28 Faith Pavilion. Portions of this post come from the from the recent International Partnership on Religion and Sustainable Development and UNEP Faith for Earth updates from Dubai on faith activity at COP28, as well as from the Call to Action document itself.
The “Faith for Climate: A Call to Action” of the COP28 Faith Pavilion is an expression of hope rooted in reality. We call attention to the extreme urgency of this moment. The climate science...

As we reported a couple of weeks ago, there is significant faith-based activity surrounding COP28, including the pre-COP Global Faith Leaders Summit that occurred in Abu Dhabi. We mentioned at that time the new Faith Pavilion at the meetings, and we're pleased now to bring you more information on this first ever faith pavilion at a world climate conference. We also want to direct you to the new Faith Pavilion website, which has a wealth of information for those attending the gathering, as well as resources for those at a distance....

Last week, our founders and directors, Mary Evelyn Tucker and John Grim, attended a high-level faith leaders meeting in Abu Dhabi, in preparation for the upcoming COP28 meetings in Dubai. The theme of this Global Faith Leaders Summit was “Confluence of Conscience: Uniting Faith Leaders for Planetary Resurgence.” Leaders from across many religious and Indigenous traditions and figures from faith-based environmental organizations gathered there and were greeted by President Sheikh Mohamed, who lauded their work and...

As we shared a few weeks ago, for our 25th anniversary year, the Forum is releasing a collection of rare audio recordings of Thomas Berry in conversation with Brian Thomas Swimme, titled “The Collected Thoughts of Thomas Berry.” We will release one part per month. On the official anniversary of the Forum, we brought you the project Introduction by Mary Evelyn Tucker and Part 1: Where are We and How did We Get Here, with an introduction by John Grim.
And today, for Thomas' birthday, we’re very pleased to bring you Part 2: The...
This past weekend was the Yale Center for Environmental Justice's 5th Annual Conference. The theme this year was “Environmental Joy: Exploring the Transformative Solutions of Environmental Justice Communities.” As many of you are aware, the Forum is now housed at and a part of the YCEJ, and we're extremely pleased to share details about this event, which embodied and evoked what I believe is a very important topic for our work ahead: Joy. In my experience, Joy is often a forgotten element in any non-profit cause work, and is intimately...