The Collected Thoughts of Thomas Berry Part 3: Where Do We Go From Here?

Tara C. Trapani

Joyous Solstice to one and all! 

As we shared back in October, for our 25th anniversary year, the Forum is releasing a collection of rare audio recordings of Thomas Berry in conversation with Brian Thomas Swimme. We will release one part per month. In October we brought you the project Introduction by Mary Evelyn Tucker and Part 1: Where are We and How did We Get Here?, with an introduction by John Grim. And for Thomas’ birthday in November, we released Part 2: The Millennial Vision. 
This Winter Solstice, we’re very pleased to bring you Part 3: Where Do We Go From Here?, with an introduction by Sam King. In this part, Thomas discusses the 3 conditions that will make the Ecozoic era possible. Here is an excerpt from the introduction:
“In this conversation, Thomas explains that if the problem of the present is the discontinuity between the human and the non-human, the way of the future is through continuity. In other words, humans must be present to the planet in a mutually enhancing manner… as Thomas says, we can’t have a sustainable human economy without a sustainable Earth economy, for everything participates in one single organic process.”
Listen to “Where Do We Go From Here?”:

Collected Thoughts on the Thomas Berry Website

Collected Thoughts on the Forum YouTube Channel