Engaged Projects

Engaged projects in religion and ecology refers to the activities of community organizations and religious institutions that are inspiring and grounding environmental concerns in practical programs, outreach, and education. These projects generally incorporate religious traditions as part of their environmental philosophy drawing on particular scriptures, symbols, and rituals. Engaged projects range from Learning Centers and Retreat Centers to Organic Farms and Alternative Energy Communities.
Engaged Projects in Africa
African Institute for Scientific Research and Development (AISRED)
Bethany Land Institute (See this statement.)
Tard Foundation
Engaged Projects in Australia
Catholic Earthcare Australia
Engaged Projects in Canada
Creation Collective
Faithful Footprints
Green Churches Network
Engaged Projects in Europe
An Tairseach Organic Farm & Ecology Centre (See “In Communion with the Sacred Universe”)
European Christian Environmental Network
Operation Noah
Engaged Projects in India
Green Church Campaign of Church of South India (CSI): See this pamphlet and this 2017 statement
Ecological Department of the Church of South India
Engaged Projects in the Philippines
Mindanao Baptist Rural Life Center
Engaged Projects in the United Kingdom
Arthur Rank Center
Conservation Foundation
Eco-Congregation Program
Green Christian
John Ray Initiative
Living Witness: Quakers for Sustainability
Engaged Projects in the United States of America
Abrahamic Traditions & Environmental Change
Blessed Tomorrow
Catholic Climate Covenant
Catholic Rural Life (CRL)
Center for Deep Green Faith
Center for Earth Ethics
Center for Ecological Regeneration
Center for Religion and Environment
Center for Spirituality in Nature
Christianity and Ecology Conference
Climate Stewards
Creation Care Collective
Creation Justice Ministries
Creation Justice programs of Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon
Crown Point Ecology Center
Earth Care Congregations
Earth Ministry
Earth Quaker Action Team
EcoFaith Recovery
Ecumenical Project for International Cooperation (EPIC)
Englewood Christian Church and Englewood Community Development Corp. (See this 2019 article.)
Environmental Justice Ministries of the United Church of Christ
Equal Exchange: Interfaith Coffee Program
Evangelical Environmental Network
Food, Faith, and Farming Network
Franciscan Earth Literacy Center
Genesis Farm (See this article.)
Green Chalice
Green Interfaith Network Inc (GINI)
Green Mountain Monastery
The Green Seminary Initiative
Green the Church
Holy Wisdom Monastery
Homecoming Farm
IHM Sisters, Monroe Campus
Integral Ecology (Project by Carmelite NGO)
Interfaith Partnership for the Chesapeake
Interfaith Power and Light
La Vista Ecological Learning Center
LDS Earth Stewardship
Living Earth Center
Loretto Community
Lutherans Restoring Creation (LRC)
Michaela Farm
Monastery of St. Gertrude
National Religious Coalition on Creation Care
National Religious Partnership for the Environment (NRPE)
North American Coalition for Christianity and Ecology
Presbyterians for Restoring Creation
The Regeneration Project
RISE St. James (See this article.)
Quaker Earthcare Witness (QEW)
Sacred Earth: Growing Beloved Community
Santuario Sister Farm
Saint John's Abbey Arboretum
Saint Catherine Farm
Unitarian Universalist Ministry for Earth
Sisters of Saint Francis of Philadelphia
Sisters Hill Farm
Sustainable Living & Earth Care Concerns (part of the Presbyterian Hunger Program)
Tangier Watermen's Stewardship for the Chesapeake
United States Catholic Conference's Environmental Program
Villa Maria Farm
White Violet Center for EcoJustice
Young Evangelicals for Climate Action
International Engaged Projects
Anglican Communion Environmental Network
A Rocha International
Christian Climate Action
Christian Vegetarian Association (CVA)
Climate Witness Project
Communion Forest
Creation Care Prayer Network
Ecojesuit – Ecology and Jesuits in Communication
EcoPeace Middle East
God and the Book of Nature
International Jesuit Ecology Project
Laudato Si' Movement
Plant With Purpose
Religion, Science and the Environment (RSE)
Sisters of Earth International
World Council of Churches: Care for Creation and Climate Justice

Header photo: Tree planting in Nigeria organized by the Abuja Interfaith Peace Building Forum and the Catholic Archdiocese of Abuja ; Courtesy of ARC