- The Birth of a Movement - A 40th Anniversary Retrospective, United Church of Christ, 2022
- Overdue: Environmental Justice for All (water focused), United Church of Christ, 2022
- Carrying Forward Drew Christiansen’s Legacy: Catholic Social Teaching, Environmental Justice, Just War, and Peacebuilding, Georgetown University, November 14-15, 2022
- Contemporary ecotheology, climate justice and environmental stewardship in world religions, World Council of Churches, 2022
- Unequal Impact: Environmental Racism and Faith Based Resources in Restorative Justice, Hank Center for the Catholic Intellectual Heritage, 2022
- Faith-Based Engagement on Environmental Justice Issues, The Center for Community Engagement, Environmental Justice, and Health (CEEJH) at the University of Maryland, 2022
- Environmental Justice Concurrent Ministry Breakout Session, Laudato Si’ and the U.S. Catholic Church: A Conference Series on Our Common Home, Creighton University, 2021
- Take A Stand: Stop Line 3, Creation Justice Ministries, 2021
- Miguel A. De La Torre Interview on Gonna Trouble the Water: Ecojustice, Water, and Environmental Racism, Loganberry Books, 2021
- Bringing Ecojustice Education to Your Congregation and Moving Your Church to Action, JustFaith Ministries, 2021
- The Role of the Church in Environmental Justice, Creation Justice Ministries, 2021
- Laudato Si’ Dialogue: Plight of Environmental Defenders Around the World, Global Catholic Climate Movement, 2021
- The Faithful Work of Environmental Justice, Ecojustice Program of the North Carolina Council of Churches/North Carolina Interfaith Power and Light, 2021
- Environmental Justice Project’s Work, Environmental Justice Project of Catholic Charities, Diocese of Stockton, 2021
- “Laudato Si: The Cry of the Earth, The Cry of the Poor, ”Mary Evelyn Tucker & John Grim, Glastonbury Abbey of Massachusetts, 2021
- A Laudato Si’ Focus on Environmental Justice: Part 1; Part 2, Catholic Climate Covenant, 2021
- Preparing Your Congregation for Climate Disasters, Creation Justice Ministries, 2021
- Social + Environmental Justice Through Local Action: Imani Village: Rev. Dr. Otis Moss III, ecoAmerica, 2021
- Environmental Justice 101, Unitarian Universalist Congregation Atlanta & Georgia Interfaith Power and Light, 2021
- Catholic Charities Environmental Justice Symposium 2021
- Bringing Eco-justice Education to Your Congregation and Moving Your Church to Action, JustFaith Ministries, 2021
- Social Justice is Earth Justice: Ecowomanist Interconnections & Activism, Melanie Harris, Palmer Theological Seminary, 2021
- Environmental Justice and Eco-Theology Panel | Science and Religion Symposium, Palmer Theological Seminary, 2021
- Climate Justice and Migration: A Faith Perspective, Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, 2020
- Faith and Environmental Justice: Rusty Pritchard, Q Podcast, 2020
- Laudato Si’ Week Webinar “Social Action: Integral Ecology and Community Building,” Global Catholic Climate Movement, 2020
- People on the Margins: Environmental Injustice, Racism, and the United Methodist Church, Southeast Green, 2020
- Jim Antal on the Climate Emergency, Ecojustice for All/Temple of Understanding, 2020
- Cultural Courage: Rachel Jones and Jason Lyle on Life in the American South, Earthkeepers: A Circlewood Podcast on Creation Care and Spirituality, 2020
- Reconciling with the Land: Christi Renaud and Plant with Purpose, Earthkeepers: A Circlewood Podcast on Creation Care and Spirituality, 2020
- Doing Justice: The Role of Faith in Building Climate Equity, ecoAmerica, June 26, 2020
- Our Faith, Our Vote Issue Education Series: Environmental Justice/Climate, United Church of Christ, 2020
- Educating for Earth Justice: Matt Ryan and the Talking Farm, Earthkeepers: A Circlewood Podcast on Creation Care and Spirituality, 2020
- Urban Community: Tahmina Martelly and World Relief, Earthkeepers, A Circlewood Podcast on Creation Care and Spirituality, 2020
- Ecojustice Theology: Prophetic Protest over Deforestation, Bartimaeus Cooperative Ministries, 2020
- Faith and Ecological Justice, World Student Christian Federation, 2020
- Urban Oil Drilling and the Intersection Between Faith and Environmental Activism, Ecojustice Radio Podcast, 2019
- Climate Justice and Why Churches Should Care, Presbyterian Church in Canada, 2019
- Christians Unite in Calling for Eco-Justice, The Lutheran World Federation, 2018
- Eco-Justice Summit Highlights, UCC Southern Conference, 2016
- “There is a Balm…ecojustice, renewal, and hope,” Melanie Harris, Ohio Interfaith Power and Light
- Living Cosmology: Ecojustice Panel, Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology/Yale Divinity School, 2015
- Ecojustice, the Earth Charter, and the Bible, Christopher Lind, Green Radio, 2015
- “Living Cosmology” Ecojustice panel, Yale conference: Living Cosmology: Christian Responses to Journey of the Universe, 2014
- Eco-Justice Worship Webinar, Presbyterian Hunger Program/PCUSA, 2013
- Justice Plenary, WCC 10th Assembly, World Council of Churches, 2013
- Creation Care and Eco-Justice, Rev. John Coleman, College of Saint Benedict and St. John's University, 2012
- RENEWAL PROJECT “Eco-Justice” preview, Renewal Film, 2007
- Heather Eaton: “Christianity and Ecology”
- “The Abrahamic Response to Journey of the Universe”
- Christianity and Ecology YouTube playlist
- Decolonization playlist, Bartimaeus Cooperative Ministries YouTube channel
- Videos related to Greek Orthodoxy/Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew and the Environment:
Header Image: Jobs, Justice, and Climate rally, 2015, Toronto, Canada; arindambanerjee/Shutterstock