News Items

The Forum regularly posts news articles of interest here from a variety of sources and news outlets. You can check back here or view the most recent ones from the homepage. We also archive these articles here, for those doing research, with news going back to 2006. Use the menu on the right to explore the archived articles.


Understanding “sacred” sites.

By Rosalyn R. LaPier
The Washington Post
November 4, 2016

In recent weeks, protests against the building of the Dakota Access Pipeline across North Dakota have escalated. Native American elders, families and children have set up tepees and tents on a campsite near the pipeline’s path in the hope of stopping its construction.

November 3, 2016
By Rosalyn R. LaPier, Religion News Service
National Catholic Reporter

In recent weeks, protests against the building of the Dakota Access Pipeline across North Dakota have escalated. Native American elders, families and children have set up tipis and tents on a campsite near the pipeline’s path in the hope of stopping the pipeline’s construction.

Roughly a hundred protesters and clergy members shut down the North Dakota state Capitol with a lawn prayer circle

By Lauren McCauley
Common Dreams
November 4, 2016

November 2, 2016
By Rosalyn R. LaPier
The Conversation

In recent weeks, protests against the building of the Dakota Access Pipeline across North Dakota have escalated. Native American elders, families and children have set up tipis and tents on a campsite near the pipeline’s path in the hope of stopping the pipeline’s construction.

November 3, 2016
By Lynette Wilson
Episcopal News Service

Cannon Ball, North Dakota - In a historic show of interfaith support and solidarity, more than 500 interfaith clergy and laity answered a call to come to North Dakota to stand in peaceful, prayerful and lawful solidarity Nov. 3; and to bear witness with the Standing Rock Sioux Nation as they continue to protect the...

October 28, 2016
By Bill McKibben
New York Times

MIDDLEBURY, Vt. — The Native Americans who have spent the last months in peaceful protest against an oil pipeline along the banks of the Missouri are standing up for tribal rights. They’re also standing up for clean water, environmental justice and a working climate. And it’s time that everyone else joined in.

‘We will be peaceful, we will be prayerful, we will not retreat’

By Deirdre Fulton, staff writer
Common Dreams
October 27, 2016

Arrests have begun at the recently erected frontline camp in the path of the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL), as police and military move in on Indigenous water protectors and their allies in North Dakota.

With law enforcement seemingly...

October 24, 2016
By Sarah Sunshine Manning
Indian Country Today

Non-violent direct action has been vilified in the media, but it’s a major way that things have gotten done in this country,” said Marty Aranaydo, Mvskoke of Oakland, California.

Speaking from the Standing Rock reservation in North Dakota, Aranaydo, who is Tohono O’odham, Akimel O...