News Items

The Forum regularly posts news articles of interest here from a variety of sources and news outlets. You can check back here or view the most recent ones from the homepage. We also archive these articles here, for those doing research, with news going back to 2006. Use the menu on the right to explore the archived articles.


September 29, 2016
By Navajo
Daily Kos

Regardless of where our Water Protectors travel in North Dakota to conduct a peaceful prayer event against the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline that threatens the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe’s drinking water, you would think that they wouldn’t be met with armored vehicles and assault rifles. But they were.

Meanwhile, a Reuters investigation finds pipeline spill detection system severely flawed

By Deirdre Fulton, staff writer
Common Dreams
September 30, 2016

Close to 100 scientists have signed onto a letter decrying “inadequate environmental and cultural impact assessments” for the Dakota Access Pipeline (...

September 30, 2016
By Jack Jenkins

When Pua Case landed in North Dakota to join the ongoing Standing Rock protests in September, she, like thousands of other participants, had come to defend the land.

September 29, 2016
By Sarah Anderson
Nation of Change

The first sign that not everything is normal as you drive down Highway 1806 toward the Standing Rock reservation in North Dakota is a checkpoint manned by camouflage-clad National Guard troops. The inspection on Sept. 13 was perfunctory; they simply asked if we knew “what was going on down the road” and then waved us...

September 29, 2016

Up to 21 people were arrested during a peaceful prayer service.

North Dakota police with military-style equipment surrounded Native Americans gathered in prayer against the construction of the Dakota Access pipeline on Wednesday, disrupting their plan to cross sacred and treaty-protected land in protest of a project they fear will destroy their...

September 27, 2016
By Ernest Scheyder and Valerie Volcovici

September 27, 2016

From prairie to the White House: Inside a Tribe’s quest to stop a pipeline

By Ernest Scheyder and Valerie Volcovici

Three days after guard dogs attacked Native Americans protesting an oil pipeline project in North Dakota in early September, an...

September 27, 2016
By Celeste Goox yadí Worl

Something historic is happening right now in North Dakota. At the camp in Standing Rock, more than 4,000 indigenous people from 280 tribes have come together, bringing totem poles, handmade canoes, and other sacred...

“The tribe was denied access to information and excluded from consultations,” says UN special rapporteur

By Andrea Germanos, staff writer
Common Dreams
September 25, 2016

Backing up the Standing Rock Sioux and its allies, a United Nations expert...

Coalition of 1,200 archeologists, museum directors and historians say $3.8bn Dakota Access pipeline disturbs Native American artifacts in North Dakota

By Oliver Milman
The Guardian
September 22, 2016

Archeologists and museum directors have denounced the “destruction” of Native American artifacts during the construction of a contentious oil pipeline in North...

More than 50 tribes signed on to the historic treaty alliance, banding together for the sake of their health and planet

By Lauren McCauley, staff writer
Common Dreams
September 22, 2016

In a historic show of unity, more than 50 First Nations across North America on Thursday signed a new treaty alliance against the expansion...