Buddhism Volume

Religions of the World and Ecology Series

Buddhism and Ecology Volume

Duncan Ryuken Williams and Mary Evelyn Tucker, eds.


Table of Contents

Preface Lawrence E. Sullivan
Series Foreword Mary Evelyn Tucker and John Grim
Introduction Duncan Ryuken Williams
Overview Framing the Issues
“Buddhism and Ecology: Collective Cultural Perceptions”
Lewis Lancaster
Chapter 1

Theravada Buddhism and Ecology: The Case of Thailand
“The Hermeneutics of Buddhist Ecology in Contemporary Thailand: Buddhadasa and Dhammapitaka”
Donald K. Swearer

A Theoretical Analysis of the Potential Contribution of the Monastic Community in Promoting a Green Society in Thailand”
Leslie E. Sponsel and Poranee Natadecha-Sponsel

Chapter 2

Mahayana Buddhism and Ecology: The Case of Japan
“The Jeweled Net of Nature”
Paul O. Ingram

The Japanese Concept of Nature in Relation to the Environmental Ethics and Conservation Aesthetics of Aldo Leopold”
Steve Odin

Voices of Mountains, Trees, and Rivers: Kukai, Dogen, and a Deeper Ecology”
Graham Parkes

Chapter 3

Buddhism and Animals: India and Japan
“Animals and Environment in the Buddhist Birth Stories”
Christopher Key Chapple

Animal Liberation, Death, and the State: Rites to Release Animals in Medieval Japan”
Duncan Ryuken Williams

Chapter 4

Zen Buddhism: Problems and Prospects
“Mountains and Rivers and the Great Earth: Zen and Ecology”
Ruben L. F. Habito

The Precepts and the Environment”
John Daido Loori

Chapter 5

American Buddhism: Creating Ecological Communities
“Great Earth Sangha: Gary Snyder’s View of Nature as Community”
David Landis Barnhill

American Buddhist Response to the Land: Ecological Practice at Two West Coast Retreat Centers”
Stephanie Kaza

The Greening of Zen Mountain Center: A Case Study”
Jeff Yamauchi

Chapter 6

Applications of Buddhist Ecological Worldviews
“Nuclear Ecology and Engaged Buddhism”
Kenneth Kraft

Buddhist Resources for Issues of Population, Consumption, and the Environment”
Rita M. Gross

Buddhism, Global Ethics, and the Earth Charter”
Steven C. Rockefeller

Chapter 7

Theoretical and Methodological Issues in Buddhism and Ecology
“Is There a Buddhist Philosophy of Nature?”
Malcolm David Eckel

Green Buddhism and the Hierarchy of Compassion”
Alan Sponberg

Buddhism and the Discourse of Environmental Concern: Some Methodological Problems Considered”
Ian Harris



Notes on Contributors


Duncan Ryuken Williams