Religions of the World and Ecology Series
Christianity and Ecology Volume
Dieter T. Hessel and Rosemary Radford Ruether, eds.
Table of Contents
Preface | Lawrence E. Sullivan |
Series Foreword | Mary Evelyn Tucker and John Grim |
Introduction | “Current Thought on Christianity and Ecology” Dieter T. Hessel and Rosemary Radford Ruether |
Chapter 1 |
Creator, Christ, and Spirit in Ecological Perspective “Response to Elizabeth A. Johnson” “An Ecological Christology: Does Christianity Have It?” “Response to Sallie McFague” “The Wounded Spirit as the Basis for Hope in an Age of Radical Ecology” “Response to Mark I. Wallace: Another View of the Spirit’s Work” “The World of the Icon and Creation: An Orthodox Perspective on Ecology and Pneumatology” “Ecofeminism: The Challenge to Theology” “Response to Rosemary Radford Ruether: Ecofeminism and Theology—Challenges, Confrontations, and Reconstructions” |
Chapter 2 |
Vision, Vocation, and Virtues for the Earth Community “The Human Vocation: Origins and Transformations in Christian Traditions” “Christian Ecological Virtue Ethics: Transforming a Tradition” “Response to Louke van Wensveen: Christian Ecological Virtue Ethics: A Constructive Proposal” “No More Sea: The Lost Chaos of the Eschaton” “Response to Catherine Keller” “River of Life in God’s New Jerusalem: An Eschatological Vision for Earth’s Future” |
Chapter 3 |
The Universal and Particular in Ethics and Spirituality “Response to James A. Nash” “The Moral Status of Otherkind in Christian Ethics” “Behemoth and Batrachians in the Eye of God: Responsibility to Other Kinds in Biblical Perspective” “Words beneath the Water: Logos, Cosmos, and the Spirit of Place” “A Christian Chinese Version of Ecotheology: Goodness, Beauty, and Holiness in Creation” “Response to Peter K. H. Lee” “Deep Ecumenicity versus Incommensurability: Finding Common Ground on a Common Earth” |
Chapter 4 |
Toward Global Security and Sustainability “Population-Consumption-Ecology: The Triple Problematic” “Response to Daniel Maguire: The Church Should Call Not Just Prophets but Environmental Deacons” “Incentives, Consumption Patterns, and Population Policies: A Christian Ethical Perspective” “Climate Change: Ethics, Justice, and Sustainable Community” “Ecological Security and Policies of Restraint” “Response to William C. French” “Christianity, Economics, and Ecology” |
Chapter 5 |
Christian Praxis for Ecology and Justice “Earthkeeping Churches at the African Grassroots” “Response to Marthinus L. Daneel” “Social Transformation through Environmental Justice” “Partnership for the Environment among U. S. Christians: Reports from the National Religious Partnership for the Environment” “The Integrity of Creation: Challenges and Opportunities for Praxis” |
Conclusion Notes on Contributors |
Ecojustice at the Center of the Church’s Mission Rosemary Radford Ruether |
Select Bibliography Index |
Peter W. Bakken |