To celebrate the beginning of a new season of the Forum on Religion and Ecology podcast, Spotlights, it makes sense to commemorate the episodes we've released during our first two seasons. To do so, let's look at a few exemplary episodes.
The podcast series started on September 21, 2020. Our inaugural episode features Mary Evelyn Tucker and John Grim, bringing the Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology into the world of podcasting. Details for that episode are here.
Occasionally our podcast episodes were clip shows, featuring different guests who have talked about similar topics. For instance, we have a clip show about environmental justice, with clips from three separate episodes: 1) our episode with Carl Anthony, co-founder and co-director (with Dr. Paloma Pavel) of Breakthrough Communities, an organization dedicated to building multiracial leadership for sustainable communities in California & the nation; 2) our episode with Paloma Pavel, PhD., President of Earth House Center and visiting faculty at the University of California, Davis, and 3) our episode with Rev. Dr. Christopher Carter, an assistant professor and the assistant chair of the Theology and Religious Studies department at the University of San Diego, in San Diego, California. Details for that episode are here.
Our second season has one of our most watched episodes, featuring Matthew David Segall, PhD, Assistant Professor of Philosophy and Religion in the Philosophy, Cosmology, and Consciousness program at the California Institute of Integral Studies. He talks about process philosophy at the intersection of science, religion, ecology, and cosmology. Details for that episode are here.
We're looking forward to continuing our podcast series, bringing you interesting, informative, and inspiring interviews with scholars, artists, activists, and others who engage issues around the intersection between religion and ecology.
An archive of previous episodes can be found here, with audio versions here and anywhere podcasts are available (e.g., Apple Podcast, Spotify, Pandora, etc.).