Pope Francis tells COP26 to show ‘political will,’ not defer action on climate change

By Brian Roewe
November 2, 2021

GLASGOW, SCOTLAND — Addressing the U.N. climate summit with his pen rather than in person, Pope Francis called on world leaders assembled here to demonstrate “political will” and stop deferring the action required to avert the worst catastrophes of climate change.

“As the Glasgow Conference begins, all of us are aware that it has the vital task of demonstrating to the entire international community whether there really exists a political will to devote — with honesty, responsibility and courage — greater human, financial and technological resources to mitigating the negative effects of climate change and assisting the poorer and more vulnerable nations most affected by it,” Francis wrote in a message addressed to Alok Sharma, president of the U.N. climate conference known as COP26, which began Oct. 31.

Read the full article here.