This week's episode of Spotlights is a remix of previous interviews with guests who have written books that explore religious perspectives on climate change. First, we hear from Andreas Karelas, executive director of RE-volv — a nonprofit organization that empowers communities to invest in solar energy — and author of Climate Courage: How Tackling Climate Change Can Build Community, Transform the Economy, and Bridge the Political Divide in America (Beacon Press, 2020). The next guest is David Haberman, Professor in the Department of Religious Studies at Indiana University Bloomington, and author of Understanding Climate Change Through Religious Lifeworlds (Indiana University Press, 2021). Third, we hear from Robin Globus Veldman, Assistant Professor of Religious Studies at Texas A&M University, and author of The Gospel of Climate Skepticism: Why Evangelical Christians Oppose Action on Climate Change (UC Press, 2019).
- Links to each guest's full episode:
Andreas Karelas: (audio) (video)
David Haberman: (audio) (video)
Robin Veldman: (audio) (video)
- More information on religion and climate change is available at the Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology website.
You can watch the episode below or listen to it here.
An archive of previous episodes can be found here, with audio versions available here.