Spotlights, featuring Christopher Carter

Sam Mickey

This week’s episode of Spotlights features Rev. Dr. Christopher Carter, an assistant professor and the assistant chair of the Theology and Religious Studies department at the University of San Diego, in San Diego, California. He is also the co-creator of Racial Resilience, an anti-racism and anti-bias training program that utilizes the combined insights of contemplative practices and critical race theories. His work focuses particularly on the ways in which ecological spaces impact black, Indigenous, and other people of color (BIPOC)—a topic particularly relevant this week, following the second Monday in October, which is celebrated across the United States as Indigenous Peoples’ Day.


You can listen to his episode HEREBut you don’t want to miss the video version below, which has plenty of pictures to help put all this great work into context. You can also learn more about his work through the following links: