tctrapani’s blog

In the past few years, Yale Divinity School has been sharing profiles about, or pieces written by, their alumni who are doing good work in the world. Today, we've collected some of the ones related to the environment to uplift and honor their contributions.

On Tuesday May 14 at 4pm EST, Yale BlueGreen is hosting a conversation with Mary Evelyn Tucker and Leigh Raymond. They'll be talking about some of the ways we can frame the argument for making the transition to sustainable policies. This event is part of their “Case for Sustainability” series. 

As we reported last week, several members of the Forum team were in Vermont to experience the totality of the solar eclipse this past Monday. Many flooded into the state from all around to see the big event, but we were lucky to attend a smaller gathering, populated largely by locals (of which I am one!). The day was brilliant, the energy light and hopeful.


The full solar eclipse will occur this Monday, April 8, and up here in Vermont where my family and I have made our home, we will be basking in the path of full totality. Several members of the Forum team will be gathering to experience this exciting event together, and it will indeed be my first-ever full eclipse. 

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