FORE Spotlights Archive

Here you'll find all of the videos in our bi-weekly video/podcast series, FORE Spotlights. 

You can also view all of the videos on our YouTube channel.
Or go here to listen to these episodes as audio podcasts.

Congratulations to Sam Mickey & FORE Spotlights for being named one of the 20 best podcasts of 2021 on environmental activism!

Season One
The Spotlights series began in September 2020. Our host, Sam Mickey, interviewed dozens of scholars, authors, artists, activists, and more in this first season of 53 episodes. 

Season Two
Our second season launched in September 2021 and contained 44 episodes of rich content. Also see Sam's end of season roundup of topical episodes:
EcojusticeClimate ChangeArt, Spirituality, and Ecology 

Season Three
Our third season included 25 episodes with figures such as Sigurd Bergmann, Larry Rasmussen, Beatrice Marovich, and Michael Northcott. Our host Sam dove into topics such as climate justice, ecological existentialism, petro-theology, and psychedelics and climate work. 

Season Four
Our fourth season launched on August 21, 2023. Sam Mickey has many exciting guests in store for us this year, so check back every other Monday for a new installment.


Featured Episode

Season 4 Premiere
Spotlights, 4.1, Heather Eaton on Religion, Ecology, Gender, and Nonviolence
This is the inaugural episode of the fourth year of the Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology podcast. This episode features a prominent contributor to the field, Heather Eaton, PhD, professor of conflict studies in the faculty of human sciences at Saint Paul University, Ottawa, Canada. We talk about her numerous interdisciplinary contributions to the field of religion and ecology, including her engagement with the intellectual legacy of Thomas Berry (a teacher of hers), the enduring relevance of ecofeminism, the philosophy of new materialism, the role of nonviolence in facilitating social change, and the political problem posed by religious nationalism, and more.