Religions of the World and Ecology Series
Islam and Ecology Volume
Richard Foltz, Frederick Denny, Azizan Baharuddin, eds.
Note: The Persian translation of Islam and Ecology is available through JDM Press.
Table of Contents
Series Preface | Lawrence E. Sullivan |
Series Foreword | Mary Evelyn Tucker and John A. Grim |
Preface | Adnan Z. Amin |
Introduction | Richard C. Foltz |
Chapter 1 | God, Humans, and Nature “Toward and Understanding of Environmental Ethics from a Qur’anic Perspective” Abrahim Özdemir “The Universe Alive: Nature in the Masnavi of Jalal al-Din Rumi” “Fitra: An Islamic Model for Humans and the Environment” |
Chapter 2 | The Challenge of (Re)Interpretation “Islam, the Contemporary Islamic World, and the Environmental Crisis” Seyyed Hossein Nasr “Islam and the Environment: Theory and Practice” “Islam and Ecology: Toward Retrieval and Reconstruction” “Peace in Islam: An Ecology of the Spirit” “The Basis for a Discipline of Islamic Environmental Law” “Islamic Environmentalism: A Matter of Interpretation” “Toward an Islamic Ecotheology” |
Chapter 3 | Environment and Social Justice “Islam, Ecology, and Modernity: An Islamic Critique of the Root Causes of Environmental Degradation” Fazlun M. Khalid “The Environmental Crisis of Our Time: A Muslim Response” “Islam, Muslim Society, and Environmental Concerns: A Development Model Based on Islam’s Organic Society” “Ecological Justice and Human Rights for Women in Islam” |
Chapter 4 | Toward a Sustainable Society “Scientific Innovation and al-Mizan” Mohammad Aslam Parvaiz “Capacity Building for Sustainable Development: The Dilemma of Islamization of Environmental Institutions” “Islam, the Environment, and Family Planning: The Cases of Egypt and Iran” “An Ecological Journey in Muslim Bengal” “Islam in Malaysia’s Planning and Development Doctrine” “The Aga Khan Development Network: An Ethic of Sustainable Development and Social Conscience” |
Chapter 5 | The Islamic Garden as Metaphor for Paradise “Nature in Islamic Urbanism: The Garden in Practice and in Metaphor” Attilio Petruccioli “From the Gardens of the Qur’an to the ‘Gardens’ of Lahore” “Trees as Ancestors: Ecofeminism and the Poetry of Forugh Farrokhzad” |
Glossary of Arabic Terms Bibliography Notes on Contributors Index |
Copyright © 2003 Center for the Study of World Religions, Harvard Divinity School. Reprinted with permission. |
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