News Items

The Forum regularly posts news articles of interest here from a variety of sources and news outlets. You can check back here or view the most recent ones from the homepage. We also archive these articles here, for those doing research, with news going back to 2006. Use the menu on the right to explore the archived articles.


July 7, 2010
By John Flesher
AP Environmental Writer
Miami Herald

Where would Jesus drill?

Religious leaders who consider environmental protection a godly mission are making the Gulf of Mexico oil spill a rallying cry, hoping it inspires people of faith to support cleaner energy while changing their personal lives to consume less and contemplate more.

July 7, 2010
By Bruce Nolan
The Times-Picayune

Christian, Jewish and Muslim clergy leaders from around the country cruised through the oil-fouled upper reaches of one of the nation’s richest seafood nurseries Wednesday, and some came away saying the BP Gulf oil spill looks to them not only like an accident, but also a sin.

July 6, 2010
By Carla Salazar
Associated Press Writer
The Baltimore Sun

LIMA, Peru (AP) — A British religious activist is fighting an expulsion order from Peru’s government for allegedly inciting unrest among indigenous peoples protesting environmental damage from oil drilling in the Amazon rainforest.

Brother Paul McAuley, a 62-year-old lay activist with the La...

June 27, 2010

Listen to the story:

As the oil continues to spill in the Gulf of Mexico, what to do about off-...

June 25, 2010
By Ethan Cole
The Christian Post

Ahead of the G8 meeting in Canada this weekend, religious leaders from diverse faiths and countries issued a statement on Wednesday calling for the fulfillment of the U.N.’s Millennium Development Goals.

Some 80 senior leaders representing nine different faiths – Christian, Aboriginal, Bahai, Hindu, Jewish, Muslim, Shinto,...

June 22, 2010
By Meredith Bryan
O, The Oprah Magazine 

Rev. Canon Sally Bingham is an Episcopal priest who preaches energy conservation to people of all faiths. Read the first in O’s series on a global contingent of eco-conscious faith leaders joining forces.

June 17, 2010
By John Flesher
Associated Press
Baltimore Sun

Leaders of a group that encourages evangelical Christians to care for the environment say the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico raises moral challenges for the country.

The Revs. Jim Ball and Mitchell Hescox, leaders of the Evangelical Environmental Network, are visiting southern Louisiana to pray with...

June 17, 2010
By Bay City News
The San Francisco Appeal

Leaders from Bay Area environmental, business and faith communities issued a call for action Wednesday morning and urged California state legislators to make “homegrown, clean sources of energy” a priority.

The National Wildlife Federation hosted a conference call Wednesday morning where community leaders stressed...

June 11, 2010
Press Release

The Hague — On Tuesday 29 June 2010, an international event will be held in the Peace Palace in The Hague to mark the 10th anniversary of the Earth Charter. Her Majesty Queen Beatrix of The Netherlands will be present, just as she was on 29 June 2000 for the official launch of this highly influential document setting out values and principles for the...

June 10, 2010
The Muslim Council of Britain

Prince Charles commended a project in Zanzibar where IFEES played a major role, in a speech delivered on Islam and the Environment at the Sheldonian Theatre in Oxford yesterday under the aegis of the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies. This project which has received world wide acclaim was the first ever in which environmental ethics...