News Items

The Forum regularly posts news articles of interest here from a variety of sources and news outlets. You can check back here or view the most recent ones from the homepage. We also archive these articles here, for those doing research, with news going back to 2006. Use the menu on the right to explore the archived articles.


April 22, 2010

Full title:

Green Economy Takes Centre Stage at UNEP 2010 Champions of the Earth Awards

Winners from Afghanistan, China, Guyana, Japan and the Maldives are Recognized as Pillars of Transition to a 21st Century Green Economy
United Nations Environment Programme   


Seoul (Republic of Korea) - The ...

April 22, 2010
By Georgianna Pfost
Christian Science Monitor

For the 40th annual Earth Day, individuals and organizations around the globe are holding observances over several days, with April 25 highlighted as the “global day of celebration.”


April 19, 2010
By Robert S. Eshelman
The Huffington Post

International climate change negotiations will take a significant turn this week when environmental justice and indigenous rights organizations from 150 nations join government representatives and several heads of state for the World People’s Conference on Climate Change and the...

April 15, 2010
By Kafil Yamin
Inter Press Service

BOGOR, Indonesia - The colour green has long been associated with Islam, but if some recent Muslim visitors here could have their way, it’s a link that could intensify some more in the future.

For three years now, representatives of Muslim communities across the globe have been holding an annual conference on climate...

April 6, 2010
By Ellalyn B. De Vera
Manilla Bulletin Publishing Corporation

As it acknowledges the influence of the Roman Catholic Church in calling for significant and immediate action on pressing environmental issues, the Climate Change Commission (CCC) Tuesday asked the church and civil society to actively participate in the creation of the National Framework Strategy and...

April 6, 2010

HINDUS WANT affluent countries of the world to do more for environment in view of the global ecological crisis.

April 5, 2010
The Independent Environment

Taiwan’s government on Friday urged the public to stop burning incense sticks and ritual money in honour of the dead and opt instead for online worshipping to better protect the environment.


April 3, 2010
By Jason Koutsoukis
The Sydney Morning Herald

Qasr Al-Yahud - One of the best places to observe miracles these days is on the banks of the River Jordan, where, the Bible says, John baptised Jesus Christ and declared him the Messiah.

The miracle today is that every Easter thousands of people try to emulate Jesus and dunk themselves in water so foul.

March 31, 2010
By Nitin Sethi
The Times of India

NEW DELHI: Bhagirathi, one of the key tributaries of the Ganga, will now flow untamed and unchecked through the year for at least part of its stretch. In a decision that shows heightened sensitivity towards the environment and may have consequences for other hydroelectric projects, the government has decided not to proceed with...