News Items

The Forum regularly posts news articles of interest here from a variety of sources and news outlets. You can check back here or view the most recent ones from the homepage. We also archive these articles here, for those doing research, with news going back to 2006. Use the menu on the right to explore the archived articles.


May 10, 2010

Full title: Sins Against Nature and God: We Are All Accountable for Ignoring the Global Consequences of Environmental Exploitation

By Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew
The Huffington Post

Once again, in a matter only of a few years, the eyes of the world are turned with suspense toward the Gulf Coast. Sadly, the oil spill is following a path similar to...

May 11, 2010

Full title:

More than an oil spill

Disasters helped launch, and have reinvigorated, the environmental movement, but not all such events are equal.

By James William Gibson
The Los Angeles Times

We may well be living with the consequences of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill for the rest of the 21st century. But judging by past environmental...

May 11, 2010
Climate and Capitalism 

The response to global warming is global democracy for life and for the Mother Earth.. … we have two paths: to save capitalism, or to save life and Mother Earth.” —Speech by Evo Morales a, President of  Bolivia, to the G77 + China at the United Nations, May 7, 2010...

May 10, 2010
Asian News International

Nevada (US) - A new global environment advocacy organization has been launched to “preserve, protect and better the universe around us”.

Named “Global Council on Environment” (GCE), it aims to raise the environment standards of the world. Headquartered in Nevada (USA), religious statesman Rajan Zed is its president while environmental...

May 7, 2010
By Anne McDonald
OurWorld 2.0

Remote lands are often treasure boxes full of local lore. Along the far-flung peninsulas of the Japanese Archipelago, local legend claims that the ama-san, women free divers, were once seafaring gypsies of the north-eastern Asian seas.

May 7, 2010
By Rev. Fletcher Harper
The Huffington Post

A seminary professor once taught me about the most important passage in the book of Job. From her perspective, the most significant passage was neither Satan’s convincing God to try Job’s faith by torturing him, nor the graphic descriptions of Job’s boils, nor God’s verbal counterattack from the whirlwind after Job...

May 1, 2010
By Larry B. Stammer
Los Angeles Times

About 90 people of many faiths gather at a cathedral near downtown Los Angeles to promote what they say is their moral duty to care for the Earth and all of God’s creation.

Were it not for the setting in a stately Romanesque cathedral near downtown Los Angeles, the gathering might have been mistaken for a political rally...

April-May 2010 Issue
By Len Puglisi
Nature and Society

In Australian cities will nature and society further diverge, or one day tend to converge?


While the great economic growth bonanza of recent decades continues to hold attention, can we wait on Popular Science reporters to excite us with the likes of ‘Cities of the Future – 23 Technologies to save our...

April 25, 2010
Washington Bangla Radio

Reno (Nevada, USA) - Nevada Earth Day 2010 celebrations here today opened with prayers from ancient Sanskrit and Hebrew scriptures.

Starting with Shanti Mantra in Sanskrit, acclaimed Hindu statesman Rajan Zed read “Prithvi Sukta” (hymn to earth) from Atharva-Veda (composed around 1200 BCE), invoking the Goddess Earth...

April 23, 2010
By Leanne Larmondin
Ecumenical News International


Churches have become a force for change in the environmental movement, but to be more effective they must bridge a “tragic divide” between evangelical Christians and the traditional “mainline” denominations, a conference in Toronto has heard.