News Items

The Forum regularly posts news articles of interest here from a variety of sources and news outlets. You can check back here or view the most recent ones from the homepage. We also archive these articles here, for those doing research, with news going back to 2006. Use the menu on the right to explore the archived articles.


October 18, 2012
By Wen Stephenson

It was game time. The Saturday night crowd on the Vermont campus was festive, boisterous, pumped. People cheered and whooped when told that one of their heroes, climate activist Tim DeChristopher — serving a two-year federal sentence for his civil disobedience opposing new oil and gas drilling in Utah — would soon be back on the field...

October 9, 2012
Our Children’s Trust


Eugene, Oregon – Last Thursday the Oregon Court of Appeals decided to hear the climate change lawsuit brought by two Eugene youth.

October 7, 2012
By Rabbi Arthur Waskow
The Shalom Center

We invite you to meditate upon this photo of Earth suspended in space, seen from the barren surface of the Moon — a warning as well as a platform. You might first expand the photo by clicking on it; pause to meditate on it; and then lift up this prayer. We have used it at several different gatherings of protest...

October 3, 2012

NEW DELHI: The Himalayan kingdom of Bhutan, famed for seeking “happiness” for its citizens, is aiming to become the first nation in the world to turn its home-grown food and farmers 100 percent organic.

The tiny Buddhist-majority nation wedged between China and India has an unusual and some say enviable approach to economic development,...

October 2, 2012
Press Release

Patients prescribed drugs tested on animals should be told details of exactly what it involved, including any suffering caused, say some of the world’s leading animal ethicists.

October 1, 2012
By Gov. Jerry Brown
Indian Country Today Media Network

California has been home to human beings for at least 12,000 years, with the period of European-American settlement representing only a tiny fraction of this time. The first Europeans to arrive in California encountered hundreds of thousands of people organized into hundreds of distinct tribal groups. They...

September 27, 2012
Independent Catholic News

A call for a national animal cruelty offenders’ register will be made by Professor Andrew Linzey, a theologian at Oxford University and the director of the Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics, in an address at St Albans Cathedral on Sunday 30 September.

The Animal Offenders’ register is recommended, along with compulsory empathy...

Philosophy and Religion

Department Chair Position Announcement

Fall 2013


African religious leaders toured Kenya’s Nairobi National Park to learn about the urgent threat to elephants and rhinos from poaching – and to share ideas about using their moral clout to stop it.

By Mike Pflanz
Christian Science Monitor
September 23, 2012

Nairobi, Kenya

September 21, 2012
United Religions Initiative

In the spirit of “Sustainable Peace for a Sustainable Environment,” the theme of this year’s United Nations International Day of Peace, the Environmental Satellite Cooperation Circle announced the recipients of the 2012...