News Items

The Forum regularly posts news articles of interest here from a variety of sources and news outlets. You can check back here or view the most recent ones from the homepage. We also archive these articles here, for those doing research, with news going back to 2006. Use the menu on the right to explore the archived articles.


June 8, 2012
By Desmond Tutu
Huffington Post

The month of June is upon us and as Rio+20, the UN Conference on Sustainable Development, draws nearer, I find myself reflecting on the many great changes the past 20 years have brought, since that first Earth Summit, also in Rio, when the world met to announce...

June 6, 2012
United Nations Environment Programme

Ambitious Set of Sustainability Targets Can be Met, But Only with Renewed Commitment and Rapid Scaling-Up of Successful Policies

Rio  - The world continues to speed down an unsustainable path despite over 500 internationally agreed goals and objectives to support the sustainable management of the environment...

May 30, 2012
United Nations Environment Programme

Nairobi/Rio de Janeiro - From the floor of the National Senate, to the streets of Rio de Janeiro, the countdown to World Environment Day (WED) on 5 June 2012 is well underway in Brazil.

This year’s host country is preparing to lead what promises to be the largest WED celebrations in the event’s four-decade...

May 28 2012
Christian Aid

Secretary of State Caroline Spelman has said churches have a vital role to play at next month’s Rio+20 summit, which aims to tackle global poverty and create an environmentally sustainable future.

Speaking at a ‘Faith in Rio’ event hosted by four Christian development agencies, Christian Aid, Progressio, Tearfund and CAFOD, the...

May 16, 2012
By Ali Symons
Anglican Church of Canada

Above the skyline of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, a 39-metre Jesus statue spreads its arms over the slums and mansions of this sprawling city. The iconic statue, built in 1931 to represent peace, has now become a symbol for the work of thousands of Christians—Anglicans included—who are actively supporting the United Nations...

May 14, 2012
By Sara Shahriari
Indian Country Today Media Network

Brown, rolling plains that seem to stretch on to eternity are suddenly broken by the brilliant blue of Lake Titicaca. The lake, which sits on the border between Peru and Bolivia, has supported indigenous farming and fishing communities for thousands of years. But what was once a sacred place to the Inca is now...

May 13, 2012
By Bishop Edward J. Burns
Juneau Empire

Here in Juneau we live surrounded by mountains and glaciers. The majesty and beauty of the Mendenhall Glacier never ceases to impress me and I have been fortunate to view some of the other glaciers in Southeast Alaska. Just recently I had the opportunity to speak to a longtime Juneau resident who expressed her amazement at...

May 12, 2012
By Guy De Launey
BBC News Magazine

Phnom Penh – The death of an environmental activist, shot dead by police, has galvanised his campaign against deforestation and illegal logging in a scenic part of Cambodia.

Ratanakiri is a beautiful province in the north of this country - with volcanic lakes, waterfalls and huge areas of unspoiled forest.

Most of...

Full Title:

In Rio, Secretary-General Says in Message, ‘We Must Mobilize Partnerships Needed to Shift World onto a More Sustainable Trajectory of Growth and Development’

United Nations
May 11, 2012

Following is UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s message for World Environment Day, 5 June: