News Items

The Forum regularly posts news articles of interest here from a variety of sources and news outlets. You can check back here or view the most recent ones from the homepage. We also archive these articles here, for those doing research, with news going back to 2006. Use the menu on the right to explore the archived articles.


PhD student position in Philosophy (Theories of Justice and Ethics) in the interdisciplinary Doktoratskolleg “Climate Change – Uncertainties, Thresholds and Coping Strategies”


The Environmental Humanities for a Concerned Europe research group ( is now seeking applicants for twelve PhD/doctoral researchers:

March 19, 2015
Southern African Faith Communities’ Environment Institute

Dear Friend of SAFCEI,

March 17, 2015
Act Alliance

More than ten international faith based networks attending the Third World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction have expressed their disappointment at the exclusion of a reference to the contribution of faith communities in times of disasters.

In a statement...

March 14, 2015

A Navajo advocacy group has asked a federal judge to halt hydraulic fracking permits in the San Juan Basin of New Mexico, claiming that drilling threatens a historic UNESCO heritage site considered sacred by Navajo, Hopi and Pueblo peoples.

Leader of Catholic church will offer leaders hope, says official, and address causes of poverty and environmental degradation  

By Ed King
March 12, 2015

A senior Vatican Cardinal who helped craft Pope Francis’ expected encyclical on the environment has offered some clues on what it will contain.

March 11, 2015
By Katie Rose Quandt

A Christian who does not protect creation, who does not let it grow, is a Christian who does not care about the work of God.”

March 10, 2015
By Brian Roewe
National Catholic Reporter

Offering a possible glimpse into the upcoming papal encyclical on ecology, a top Vatican official stated that disagreements over the cause of climate change do not preclude the need for action, and that religion plays a vital role in bringing about meaningful and lasting solutions.