News Items

The Forum regularly posts news articles of interest here from a variety of sources and news outlets. You can check back here or view the most recent ones from the homepage. We also archive these articles here, for those doing research, with news going back to 2006. Use the menu on the right to explore the archived articles.


May 20, 2015
By Thomas C. Fox
National Catholic Reporter

May 15, 2015
By Brian Roewe
National Catholic Reporter

A petition calling for world leaders to address climate change and “drastically cut carbon emissions” received a big endorsement last week in Rome from the pope.

Members of the Global Catholic Climate Movement met with Pope Francis May 6 while in Rome for planning meetings around the upcoming papal encyclical on...

May 14, 2015
By Neil Thorns
The Guardian

Whatever the Pope says in his highly-anticipated climate message it will present challenges - not just for climate sceptics, but for all Catholics, on how we should act to protect our environment and the world’s poorest people

Do you think people will listen to Pope Francis on this?” a...

May 15, 2015
By Hozan Alan Senauke
Lion’s Roar

The streets of Washington DC were lined with blossoms and greenery, the prospect of promise. One hundred thirty Buddhist teachers, monks, nuns, laymen and laywomen, academics, and organizers met on Thursday May 14 for the first “White House—U.S. Buddhist Leadership Conference,” the subject at hand being “Voices in the Square—...

May 12, 2015
By Inés San Martín, Vatican correspondent

ROME — Pope Francis’ closest cardinal advisor on Tuesday blasted “movements in the United States” hostile to the pontiff’s forthcoming document on the environment, claiming the criticism is fueled by a form of capitalism protecting its own interests.

May 12, 2015
AFP in Vatican City
The Guardian

Pope Francis has warned “the powerful of the Earth” they will answer to God if they fail to protect the environment to ensure the world can feed its population.

The planet has enough food for all, but it seems that there is a lack of...

Linköping University, the Royal Institute of Technology and Uppsala University announce five positions as PhD student within the research programme The Seed Box: A Mistra-Formas Environmental Humanities Collaboratory


·         Linköping University, 3 positions


The University of Vienna seeks to fill the position of a

University Assistant (post doc)
at the Research Platform Nano-Norms-Nature.

Reference number: 5709

May 11, 2015
By Rabbi Arthur Waskow  
The Shalom Center

Encouraged by Pope Francis’ work,  They Call for Vigorous Action

As of the morning of May 11, 2015, 250 rabbis have signed a Rabbinic Letter on the Climate Crisis, calling for vigorous action to prevent worsening climate disruption and to seek eco-social justice.

Climate scientist Katharine Hayhoe presents a scientific-spiritual approach to the environment
By Douglas Todd
Vancouver Sun
May 9, 2015

Hundreds of millions of environmentalists will think “it’s about time” when they hear more evangelical Christians are becoming serious about tackling climate change.