News Items

The Forum regularly posts news articles of interest here from a variety of sources and news outlets. You can check back here or view the most recent ones from the homepage. We also archive these articles here, for those doing research, with news going back to 2006. Use the menu on the right to explore the archived articles.


By John L. Allen Jr.
March 7, 2015

Francis is making the environment a top concern and speaking out against the ‘sin’ of ‘exploiting the Earth’

This month marks the second anniversary of Pope Francis’ election. The following is taken from THE FRANCIS MIRACLE: Inside the Transformation of the Pope and the Church by John L. Allen Jr.

March 6, 2015
By Bob Gronski
Catholic Rural Life

March 6, 2015
By Brian Roewe
National Catholic Reporter

Addressing climate change is “an issue of justice for everyone” and one requiring global cooperation, the Vatican envoy to the United Nations told the international body Friday.

No one is exempt from either the impacts of climate change or our moral responsibility to act in solidarity...

March 6, 2015
By Alan Rusbridger
The Guardian

As global warming argument moves on to politics and business, Alan Rusbridger explains the thinking behind our major series on the climate crisis

Journalism tends to be a rear-view mirror. We prefer to deal with what has happened, not what lies ahead. We favour what is exceptional and in full view over what is...

March 3, 2015
By Martin Lukacs
The Guardian

Harper government organized private meetings between oil firms and Indigenous chiefs to try and gain support for oil and gas pipelines and other investments located on their lands, documents reveal

March 3, 2015
By Clive Hamilton
ABC Religion and Ethics

Pope Francis has made no secret of his conviction that human-induced climate change, along with other forms of environmental degradation, represents a grave threat to humanity’s future.

At times he even speaks in...

March 2, 2015
By Richard Schiffman
Bill Moyers & Company

This post first appeared at YES! Magazine.

By Leonardo Boff
Opinion Sur
N. 139
March 1, 2015

More than being in the center of a crisis of planetary proportions, today, we face a nonreversible process. The Earth will never be the same again. It has been transformed in its physical-chemical-biological base in such a profound way that it ended up losing its internal equilibrium. It entered a process of chaos...

Conference announcement & call for papers 

How to think the Anthropocene?

Anthropologists, philosophers and sociologists facing climate change.

The conference, coordinated by Catherine Larrère and under the auspices of Philippe Descola, will be jointly organized by:
