News Items

The Forum regularly posts news articles of interest here from a variety of sources and news outlets. You can check back here or view the most recent ones from the homepage. We also archive these articles here, for those doing research, with news going back to 2006. Use the menu on the right to explore the archived articles.


May 11, 2017
By Sam Mowe
Garrison Institute

When you pay attention to what’s happening to the world—the destruction of our air, soil, and water—it is common to want to do something to help the situation. But what if part of the reason that we’re in this perilous ecological situation is our tendency to treat the world as if it’s a problem to be solved?

May 10, 2017  
By Dennis Sadowski
Catholic News Service

Washington - Nine Catholic organizations, including five religious orders and an archdiocese in Italy, plan to divest from fossil fuel corporations in an action timed to send a message to the upcoming G7 summit.

Representatives of the groups said May 10...

May 9, 2017
By Junno Arocho Esteves
Catholic News Service

Vatican City - Science and religion are not at odds but are united in the continuing search for truth in unlocking the mysteries of the cosmos.

The scientific conference titled “Black Holes, Gravitational Waves and Space-Time Singularities” is an...

May 9, 2017
By María de Lourdes López Munguía
Global Sisters Report

This morning I look and enjoy the sunrise from the mountain … but also I can smell the smoke from the forest fire.

I am sitting next to Eleuterio, a man who knows the heart of the trees, a man who has heard in his 80 years the sound of the wind embracing the hills and reaching the sea.

May 5, 2017
Earth Charter Initiative

The Seventh Interactive Dialogue of the United Nations General Assembly on Harmony with Nature took place on Friday, 21 April 2017 under the Theme: Earth Jurisprudence.

The event counted with the participation of Professor Klaus Bosselmann, ECI Affiliate from New Zealand and Director, New Zealand Centre for Environmental...

May 2, 2017
By Ben Rosen
The Christian Science Monitor

The terms “pro-life” and “pro-environment” are not normally linked, but a growing number of Christian leaders insist they should be.

May 1, 2017  
By Dennis Sadowski
National Catholic Reporter

Washington - Carrying banners and signs with quotes from Pope Francis’ encyclical “Laudato Si’,” hundreds of Catholics joined the People’s Climate March to call for moral and prayerful action to protect creation.

May 1, 2017
By Cherri Foytlin

Washington D.C.—On Saturday, over 200,000 people marched through the streets of Washington, D.C. in response to the Trump administration’s recent environmental policies and their possible effects upon climate change. That number included hundreds of indigenous youth who felt it was their responsibility to be present and heard.

Capstone Seminar for the Interdisciplinary Minor in Environmental Ethics
Marquette University
May 2017

Collected by Alyx Birmingham, Eleni Eisenhart, Heidi Golembiewski, Lydia Melland, Tony Peacock, Wyatt Meyer

Contact Jame Schaefer, Ph.D., INEE Director,