News Items

The Forum regularly posts news articles of interest here from a variety of sources and news outlets. You can check back here or view the most recent ones from the homepage. We also archive these articles here, for those doing research, with news going back to 2006. Use the menu on the right to explore the archived articles.


April 27, 2017
By Elizabeth Eisenstadt Evans
Global Sisters Report

When you think about women religious, the word “science” may not be the first to spring to mind. After all, faith and science are often portrayed as opposites, allegiance to one suggesting a betrayal of the other.

Rodrigo Tot, born in central Guatemala during the mining boom of the 1960s, spent much of his 59 years in a tenacious battle against the mining industry in the Lake Izabal region.

Al Dia News
April 25, 2017

There are numerous contemporary indigenous sciences based on a long tradition and history. They need to be validated as such — not as folklore.”

By Nidhi Subbaraman
April 22, 2017

Climate change is a global pro-life issue

April 22, 2017
By Paul Douglas
The Guardian

Readers of this column know that I tend to focus on breaking science in the climate and energy areas. Sometimes, I stray into politics and other times, I venture further afield. Today, on Earth Day, I was reflecting on best ways to move real action forward and it is clear...

April 21, 2017
By Garrison Institute

In the past two centuries, human health and wealth have advanced as never before. While inequalities still bedevil us, on the whole, the current generation of human beings are living longer, more abundant, and more prosperous lives than any in our history. The product (and propulsion) of this prosperity has been an explosion in human knowledge...

Talk about values, not just data: how this minister wants to inspire people to take action on protecting the environment.

April 19, 2017
By Nesima Aberra

April 18, 2017
By Liz Harman
University of San Diego News Center

The University of San Diego has unveiled a Climate Action Plan that calls for reducing USD’s greenhouse gases on campus by at least 50 percent by the year 2035.

The centerpiece of the University of San Diego’s celebration of Earth Month in April is a new Climate Action Plan that calls for reducing the...

April 18, 2017
By Ilia Delio
Global Sisters Report

April 17, 2017
By Parker Shea
State Press

The Soka Gakkai International-affiliated club seeks to promote individual change through Nichiren Buddhism

Buddhists for Peace is an on-campus club dedicated to educating people on the tenets of...

April 17, 2017
By Michele Morek
Global Sisters Report

Meditating on the daily liturgical readings sometime during Lent, a daydream about Moses and his staff distracted me. He held it out over the Red Sea and got rid of the water. He hit the rock with it and found water. Wow, a magic wand worthy of a Harry Potter story!