News Items

The Forum regularly posts news articles of interest here from a variety of sources and news outlets. You can check back here or view the most recent ones from the homepage. We also archive these articles here, for those doing research, with news going back to 2006. Use the menu on the right to explore the archived articles.


Full title:

Laudato Si’’ two years later: Parishes throughout diocese continue to answer pope’s call to environmental stewardship

June 18, 2017
By Lisa Dahm
The Catholic Sun

With the pull out of the United States from the Paris agreement, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops issued a statement on June 1...

June 19, 2017
By Alister Doyle

OSLO - Religious and indigenous leaders appealed on Monday for better protection of tropical forests from the Amazon to the Congo basin, with a Vatican bishop likening current losses to a collective suicide by humanity.

Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist and Daoist representatives met indigenous peoples in Oslo to explore...

June 19, 2017
By Matti Huuhtanen, Associated Press
The Wichita Eagle

Religious and indigenous leaders on Monday called for an end to deforestation in the first international multi-faith, multi-cultural plea to reduce the emissions that fuel climate change.

June 19, 2017
By Josephine McKenna, Religion News Service
National Catholic Reporter

Rome - Religious and indigenous leaders from 21 countries gathered in Norway on Monday to launch a new initiative aimed at saving the world’s tropical rainforests from the impact of deforestation and climate change.

Full title:

Europe bishop represents Anglicans, Episcopalians at launch of Interfaith Rainforest Initiative in Norway

June 19, 2017
Episcopal News Service

June 19, 2017
World Council of Churches

New hope for world’s tropical forests arises as the Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist, Daoist leaders join indigenous forest guardians to launch global effort to end deforestation. Interfaith rainforest initiative, created by global coalition to fight escalating threats to endangered forests in Africa, Southeast Asia and...

June 19, 2017
The Associated Press
Yale Daily News

HELSINKI (AP) — Religious and indigenous leaders worldwide are calling for an end to deforestation in an international multi-faith, multi-cultural plea to reduce the emissions that fuel climate change, which is killing tropical rainforests.

Halting deforestation requires “a global, tectonic shift in values,” the Norwegian climate and environment minister said

By Matti Huuhtanen
NBC Bay Area
June 19, 2017

Religious and indigenous leaders on Monday called for an end to deforestation in the first international multi-faith, multi-cultural plea to reduce the emissions that fuel climate change.

June 17, 2017
Regional Interfaith Network