Here you'll find John's Grim's articles, encyclopedia entries, book reviews, and more from 1981 to the present.
Wherever possible we have included a link to more information, which may include the full text of the article, an abstract, or an abbreviated sample.
In cases where no information on the article itself is available, we have attempted to provide a link to find out more about the volume or periodical in which it was included.
Chapters/Articles in Edited Books
“Conclusion: Indigenous Heritages and Sacred Earth”
In Environmental Humanities in the New Himalayas: Symbiotic Indigeneity, Commoning, Sustainability
Edited by Dan Smyer Yu and Erik de Maaker
Routledge, 2021
“Twins in Native American Mythologies: Relational Transformation”
In Gemini and the Sacred: Twins and Twinship in Religions and Myth
Edited by Kimberley Patton
Bloomsbury, 2022
“Moral and Spiritual Contributions to a Flourishing Earth Community”
With Mary Evelyn Tucker
In A Better Planet: 35 Big Ideas for a Sustainable Future
Edited by Daniel Esty
New Haven: Yale University Press, 2019
“Thomas Berry: A New Cosmology and Practical Spirituality: Transformations in Religions and Societies”
With Mary Evelyn Tucker
In Practical Spirituality and Human Development: Transformations in Religions and Societies
Edited by Ananta Kumar Giri
Palgrave Macmillan, 2018
“Cosmology and Ecology in Laudato Si’”
With Mary Evelyn Tucker
In All Creation Is Connected
Edited by Daniel DiLeo
Anselm Academic, 2017
“The Evolutionary and Ecological Perspectives of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin and Thomas Berry”
With Mary Evelyn Tucker
In Blackwell Companion to Religion and Ecology
Edited by John Hart
Blackwell, 2016
With Mary Evelyn Tucker
In Key Words for Environmental Studies
Edited by William Gleason, David Pellow, and Joni Adamson
NYU Press, 2016
“Native American Mystical Traditions”
In Comparative Mysticism
Edited by Steven Katz
Oxford University Press, 2014
“Ecology and the Classics”
With Mary Evelyn Tucker
In Religion and Ecological Sustainability in China
Edited by James Miller, Dan Smyer Yu, and Peter van der Veer
Routledge, 2014
“Exploring Thomas Berry’s Historical Vision”
In The Intellectual Journey of Thomas Berry: Imagining the Earth Community
Edited by Heather Eaton
Lexington Books, 2014
“Indigenous Embodied Knowing: A Study of Crow/Apsaalooke Space, Nature, and the Sacred”
In Nature, Space and the Sacred,
Edited by Sigurd Bergman and Heinrich Bedford Stohm
Routledge-Ashgate, 2009
“Teilhard de Chardin’s Evolutionary Vision”
In Rediscovering Teilhard’s Fire
Edited by Kathleen Duffy, SSJ
St. Joseph’s University Press, 2010
“Indigenous Knowing and Responsible Life in the World”
In Eco-Spirit: Religions and Philosophies for the Earth
Edited by Laurel Kearns and Catherine Keller
Fordham University Press, 2007
“Indigenous Lifeways and Ways of Knowing”
In The Oxford Handbook of Religion and Science
Edited by Philip Clayton
Oxford University Press, 2006
“Indigenous Traditions: Religion and Ecology”
In Oxford Handbook of Religion and Ecology
Edited by Roger Gottlieb
Oxford University Press, 2006
“Knowing and Being Known by Animals: Indigenous Perspectives on Personhood”
In A Communion of Subjects: Animals in Religion, Science and Ethics
Edited by Paul Waldau and Kimberley Patton
Columbia University Press, 2006
With Mary Evelyn Tucker
In Teilhard in the 21st Century: The Emerging Spirit of Earth
Edited by Arthur Fabel and Donald St John
Orbis Books, 2003
“Traditional Ways and Contemporary Vitality: Absaroke/Crow”
In Native Religions and Cultures of North America: Anthropology of the Sacred
Edited by Lawrence Sullivan
Bloomsbury, 2003
Also published as “Vie Tradizionali e Vitalita Contemporanea: Gli Absaroka/Crow,” in Culture E Religioni Degli Indiani d’America. Edited by Lawrence E. Sullivan Milan, Italy: Jaca Book-Massimo, 2000
“Honoring the Ancestral Bones: The Grave Protection and Repatriation Act of 1990 and the Algonquian Feast of the Dead”
In Ancestors in Post-Contact Religion: Roots, Ruptures, and Modernity's Memory
Edited by Steven Friesen
Harvard University Center for the Study of World Religions/Harvard University Press, 2002
“Living in a Universe: Native American Cosmologies and the Environment”
In When Worlds Converge: What Science and Religion Tell Us about the Story of the Universe and Our Place in It
Edited by Mary Evelyn Tucker, Cliff Matthews, and Philip Hefner
Open Court, 2002
“The Crow/Apsaalooke in Montana”
With Magdalene Medicine Horse-Mocassin Top
In Endangered Peoples of North America: Struggles to Survive and Thrive
Edited by Thomas Greaves
Greenwood Press, 2001
“Indigenous Traditions and Deep Ecology”
In Deep Ecology and World Religions: New Essays on Sacred Ground
Edited by David Barnhill and Roger Gottlieb
SUNY Press, 2001
“John Grim”
In What Does It Mean to Be Human?: Reverence for Life Reaffirmed by Responses from Around the World
Edited by Frederick Franck
St. Martin's Press, 2000
Also published by UNESCO Institute for Education Circumstantial Productions Publishing, 1998
“An Awful Feeling of Loneliness: Native North American Mystical Traditions”
In Doors of Understanding: Conversations in Global Spirituality in Honor of Ewert Cousins
Edited by Steven Chase
Franciscan Press, 1997
“A Comparative Study in Native American Philanthropy”
In Philanthropy in the World’s Traditions
Edited by Warren Illchman, Stanley Katz, and Edward Queen
Indiana University Press, 1998
“Rituals among Native Americans”
In Anthropology of Religion: A Handbook
Edited by Stephen D. Glazier
Greenwood Press, 1997
“Native American Worldviews and Ecology,”
In Worldviews and Ecology
Edited by Mary Evelyn Tucker and John Grim
Bucknell Review, Vol. 37, No. 2, Nov. 1993
Republished in paperback by Orbis Press, 1994 and 1995
“Aging among Native Americans: The Quest for Wisdom”
In Aging: Spiritual Perspectives
Edited by Francis Tiso
Sunday Publications, 1982
Encyclopedia Entries
“Thomas Berry”
In New Catholic Encyclopedia Supplement 2011
Gale Research, 2011
“Native American Religions”
In The Berkshire Encyclopedia of World History, 2nd Edition
Edited by William McNeill
Berkshire Publishing, 2010
In The Spirit of Sustainability
Berkshire Publishing, 2008
“Ecology and Indigenous Traditions”
In Encyclopedia of Religion
Edited by Lindsay Jones
Macmillan, 2004
“Religion and Ecology”
With Mary Evelyn Tucker
In Encyclopedia of Religion
Edited by Lindsay Jones
Macmillan, 2004
“Ecology and Shamanism”
In Shamanism: An Encyclopedia of World Beliefs, Practices, and Culture
Edited by Mariko Namba Walter and Eva Jane Neumann Fridman
ABC-CLIO, 2004
“Sundance Traditions” and “Plains Indians Understandings of Power”
In the American Indian Religious Traditions: An Encyclopedia
Edited by Suzanne J. Crawford and Dennis F. Kelley
ABC-CLIO, 2004
“Native American Indians”
With Theresa Smith, Howard L. Harrod, Richard Dauenhauer, Ines Talamantez, Lee Davis and Robin M. Wright
In Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart (English edition: Religion Past and Present
Edited by Hans Dieter Betz, Don S. Browning, Bernd Janowski, and Eberhard Jüngelohr
Mohr Siebeck, 2000 (revised in 2007, now also available online through Brill)
In Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart (English edition: Religion Past and Present)
Edited by Hans Dieter Betz, Don S. Browning, Bernd Janowski, and Eberhard Jüngel
Mohr Siebeck, 2000 (revised in 2007, now also available online through Brill)
In Encyclopedia of Women and World Religion
Edited by Serinity Young
Macmillan, 1999
“Treatise on the Anthropology of the Sacred: North American Absaroke/Crow”
Editoriale Jaca Book, 1998
“Bear Festival”
In Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart (English edition: Religion Past and Present)
Edited by Hans Dieter Betz, Don S. Browning, Bernd Janowski, and Eberhard Jüngel
Mohr Siebeck, 1998 (revised in 2000 & 2007, now also available online through Brill)
In The Dictionary of Art
Edited by Jane Turner
Macmillan, 1996 (revised 2003)
HarperCollins Dictionary of Religion
Edited by William Scott Green
Harper & Row, 1996
“Native American Religions”
In Encyclopedia of Bioethics
Edited by Warren T. Reich
Macmillan Pub. Co., 1995, revised 2014
“Joseph Campbell”
In The New Catholic Encyclopedia, Supplemental Volume
Catholic University of America, 1989
“Religions of the Northeastern Woodlands of North America” and “Wovoka”
In Encyclopedia of Religion
Macmillan, 1987
Journal Articles:
“Thomas Berry and the Rights of Nature: Evoking the Great Work”
With Mary Evelyn Tucker
In Kosmos: Journal for Global Transformation
Possible Futures: Regeneration, Connection, and Values: Winter 2019
“Integrating Ecology and Justice: The Papal Encyclical”
In The Quarterly Review of Biology
Vol. 91, No. 3; September 2016
“Integrating Ecology and Justice: The New Papal Encyclical”
With Mary Evelyn Tucker
In Solutions, Vol 6, issue 4; July/August 2015
“The Roles of Religions in Activating an Ecological Consciousness”
In International Social Science Journal
Vol 62, Issue 205-206; September-December 2011
“Embodied Knowledge in Apsalooka/Crow Environmental Ethics”
“Cosmology in the World’s Religions, The Universe Story, and the Earth Charter”
In Beliefs and Values
Vol. 1, No. 1; 2009
“Daring to Dream: Religion and the Future of the Earth”
With Mary Evelyn Tucker
Yale Divinity School, Reflections
God's Green Earth, Spring 2007
“Cosmology and Native North American Mystical Traditions”
In Theologiques
Les Cosmologies, Vol 9, No. 1; Spring 2001
“Indigenous Traditions and Ecological Ethics in Earth's Insights”
In Worldviews: Environment, Culture, Religion
Vol. 1, no. 2; 1997
“American Indian Religions: Cultural Identity, Authenticity, and Community Survival”
For Special Issue of the American Indian Quarterly on Native American Spirituality
Edited by Lee Irwin
Vol. 20, Nos. 3&4; Summer & Fall, 1996
Also in Native American Spirituality: A Critical Reader, University of Nebraska Press, 2000
“Apsaalooke Ashkisshe: A Description of the Crow Indian Sun Dance”
Occasional Papers #18: Teaching and Writing Local and Reservation History: The Crows
Edited by Brenda K. Manuelito
Newberry Library, D'Arcy McNickle Center, 1995
“Introduction: Religion and Encounter: Mid-Atlantic Regional Contact Between Native American and EuroAmerican Peoples after the Voyages of Columbus,”
In American Indian Quarterly
Vol. XVI, No. 4; Fall 1992
“Ecological Dimensions of Native North American Religions”
in Dialogue and Alliance
Vol. VII, No.2; Fall/Winter 1993
“Cosmogony and the Winter Dance: Salishan Ethics in Transition”
Journal of Religious Ethics
Fall 1992
“Renewing the Earth: Religion and Ecology in the Winter Dance of the Kettle Falls People”
Bulletin Pontificium Consilium pro Dialogo Inter Religiones
XXVII/1, 1992
“Knowledge of the Cosmos in American Indian Prayer”
Fall, 1988
Expanded and reprinted in Quest, Vancouver, Canada, 1992
“Time, History, Historians in Thomas Berry's Vision,”
Cross Currents
Summer/Fall, 1987
“Chaesu Kut: A Korean Shamanistic Performance”
Asian Folklore Studies
Vol. 43, No. 2; 1984
“Viewing the Hana Matsuri at Shimoawashiro, Aichi Prefecture”
With Mary Evelyn Tucker (listed as Mary Evelyn Grim)
Asian Folklore Studies
Vol. XLI-2; 1982
“The Shared Perspectives of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin and Thomas Berry”
American Teilhard Association
Teilhard Studies #75; Fall 2017
“Thomas Berry: Reflections on His Life and Thought”
With Mary Evelyn Tucker
American Teilhard Association
Teilhard Studies #61; Winter 2010
“Teilhard’s Vision of Evolution”
With Mary Evelyn Tucker
American Teilhard Association
Teilhard Studies #50; Spring 2005
“Apocalyptic Spirituality in the Old and New Worlds: Revisioning Time and Matter”
Anima Press for the American Teilhard Association
Teilhard Studies #27; 1992
Revised as “Apocalyptic Spirituality in the Old and New Worlds: The Revisioning of History and Matter” in The Journal of Religious Pluralism Volumes V-VI; 1995-1996
“Teilhard de Chardin: A Short Biography”
With Mary Evelyn Tucker
Anima Books
Teilhard Studies #11; 1984
“Shamanism: The Tribal Healer and the Technological Trance”
Anima Press for American Teilhard Association
Teilhard Studies #6; Fall 1981
Newsletter Articles and Bibliographies:
“President’s Corner,”
In Teilhard Perspective newsletter
American Teilhard Association
Bi-annual from 2014-2020
“Daring to Dream of the Roles of Religion and Planetary Civilization”
With Mary Evelyn Tucker
In Teilhard Perspective newsletter
American Teilhard Association
Vol. 50, no. 2; Fall 2017
“Cosmology, Ecology, and Justice in Laudato Si”
With Mary Evelyn Tucker
In Teilhard Perspective newsletter
American Teilhard Association
Vol. 49, no. 2; Fall 2016
“Religion and Ecology”
Oxford University Press Online Bibliography
Edited by John Grim, Russell Powell, Matthew T. Riley, Tara C. Trapani, Mary Evelyn Tucker
Oxford Bibliographies in “Ecology”
Series editor, David Gibson
Oxford University Press, 2013
“Peace Among Humans Through Peace with the Earth”
In Teilhard Perspective newsletter
American Teilhard Association
Vol. 46, no. 1; Spring 2013
“Teilhard and the Interbeing of Cosmology and CommunityReflections: A Few Words from ATA President, John Grim”
In Teilhard Perspective newsletter
American Teilhard Association
Vol. 45, no. 2; Fall 2012
“Creation, Communion and Universe Story: Teilhard de Chardin and Thomas Berry”
With Mary Evelyn Tucker
In Gatherings
Edited by Rev. Robert Moriarty, Hartford Diocese, CT
“A Letter from Mary Evelyn Tucker & John Grim” (a report on the work in China)
With Mary Evelyn Tucker
In Teilhard Perspective newsletter
American Teilhard Association
Vol. 41, no. 1; Spring 2008
“Indigenous Peoples and ‘Classics’ for an Emerging World,”
In Classics for an Emerging World: Proceedings of a Conference on Liberal Education and the Core Curriculum
Edited by Wm. Theodore de Bary, Shang Wei, Rachel Chung
The Columbia University Committee on Asia and the Middle East, 2008
“On the Occasion of Thomas Berry Day”
A talk given at the Public Library of Greensboro on April 22, 2005
In Teilhard Perspective newsletter
American Teilhard Association
Vol. 39, no. 1; Spring 2006
“Teilhard’s Vision of Evolution”
In Teilhard Perspective newsletter
American Teilhard Association
Vol. 38, no. 1; Spring 2005
“Potlatch Distribution–Native American Philanthropy”
Bucknell World
Vol. 25, no. 1; January 1997
“The Dangki in Contemporary Taiwan”
In Religious Studies News
American Academy of Religion and the Society of Biblical Literature
Vol. 10, no. 4; November 1995
“Monotheism as a 'Sacred Bundle': What it Reveals and What it Conceals,”
For The Pacific Institute Seminar
April 1994
“Traveling Through Time: The Columbian Quincentennial As An Opportunity For National Self-Reflection”
Bucknell World
Vol. 2, No. 2; January 1992
“Stepping on the Ground: Religious Values of Native Americans”
Maryknoll Magazine
March, 1986
“Native American Religions and Interreligious Dialogue”
Ecumenical Trends
October, 1986
Book Reviews
America, 1995
American Indian Culture and Research Journal 2006
Asian Folklore Studies
Reviewed Work: Illness and Healing among the Sakhalin Ainu: A Symbolic Interpretation
By Emiko Ohnuki-Tierney
Vol 42, No. 1; 1983
Asian Folklore Studies
Reviewed Work: Nomads of South Siberia, the Pastoral Economies of Tuva
By Sevyan I. Vainshtein, Caroline Humphrey, Michael Colens
Vol. 41, No. 2 (1982)
Buddhist-Christian Dialogue, 1996
International Journal of Comparative Religions, 1994
Journal of American Folklore, 1989

By Howard Harrod
Journal of Ritual Studies
Reviewed Work: The Shaman's Touch: Otomi Indian Symbolic Healing
By James Dow
Vol. 2, No. 1; Winter, 1988
Journal of World History, 1993
Religion and Intellectual Life/Cross Currents, 1990, 1991, 1994, 1999
Teilhard Perspective, 2013
Theological Studies, 1989
Union Theological Quarterly, 1981