Sisters of the Earth Community focuses on ‘largest pro-life issue’ — the Earth

By Gail DeGeorge
National Catholic Reporter
September 9, 2024

Deep along two-lane roads, nestled amid the undulating, verdant hillsides of Vermont, the Sisters of the Earth Community at Green Mountain Monastery and Thomas Berry Sanctuary beckons visitors to step into a serene and deeply spiritual space — and lives as an example of how religious life is evolving.

The 160-acre grounds are a realization of a vision by Sr. Gail Worcelo, who with then-lay associate Bernadette Bostwick, were missioned by the Passionist nuns at St. Gabriel's Monastery in Pennsylvania in 1999 to start a new community centered on care for the earth and incorporating many of the teachings of Passionist Fr. Thomas Berry, who was cofounder. (Passionist Sr. Rita Ordakowski committed to six months to help the new community get started.)

Read the full article here.