Review of Loving Water Across Religions: Contributions to an Integral Water Ethic

By Elizabeth McAnally

Ecology and Justice Series. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, February 2019. 192 pages. $26.00. Paperback. ISBN 9781626983076. For other formats: Link to Publisher's Website.

Review by Anjeanette LeBoeuf

Reading Religion: A Publication of the American Academy of Religion

April 30, 2020

Water is life. It is central in all religions. Put simply, without water, life cannot be sustained. Elizabeth McAnally’s Loving Water Across Religions: Contributions to an Integral Water Ethic explores these tenets as well as current water practices. The book states that the current practices must change. This book provides concrete practices and a purposed multireligious theology to which communities, societies, and peoples can use to influence how they interact, view, and use water. Loving Water explores how water is a universal religious element and must be treated with respect and care.

Read the full review here.