Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse Rinpoche on Biodiversity Conservation and the Illegal Wildlife Trade
By Sonam Dema
Buddhistdoor Global
August 22, 2022
Bhutanese journalist Sonam Dema recently spoke with the revered lama, filmmaker, and author Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse Rinpoche. Their conversation focused on the Buddhist view on biodiversity, respect for wildlife, and ecological conservation.
Sonam Dema: According to science, biodiversity is the most important factor for human survival and for the world to function and thrive. What is Buddhism’s perspective on biodiversity?
Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse Rinpoche: I can say with confidence that the Buddha is the first being on this Earth who realized and showed us the dependent nature of all phenomena. And this was 2,500 years ago, long before human psychology even conceived of the modern concepts of biodiversity and conservation.