October 27, 2011SacredNaturalSites.org
Sacred natural sites can be mysterious and intriguing places. How comes sacred forest groves have been maintained in India throughout...
October 28, 2011 World Council of Churches
Member churches of the World Council of Churches (WCC) in Canada join hands with faith leaders, politicians and civil society...
By Willis Jenkins and Christopher Key Chapple
Annual Review of Environment and Resources
Vol. 36: 441-463 (Volume publication date November 2011)
First published online as a...
October 19, 2011Rabbi Lawrence TrosterHuffington Post
Simchat Torah is the last celebration of the Jewish High Holiday season. Created in Babylonia during the early middle...
October 17, 2011By Malungelo BooiEyewitness News
Church leaders want world leaders to come up with a binding agreement in dealing with the problem of climate change. ...
Full Title:
“Water, Water Everywhere and Nor any Drop to Drink”: Praying for Rain at the Right Time and in the Right Amount
October 2011Rabbi Lawrence...
October 6, 2011Alliance of Religions and Conservation Press Release
The first global network aimed at greening pilgrimage – the largest movement of people worldwide...
October 6, 2011United Nations Environment Programme
Nairobi, 6 October 2011 - The world population is set to hit 7 billion on 31 October 2011, bringing into sharp focus the...
October 1, 2011United Nations Environment Programme
Social Networking to Mobilizing Communities Spotlighted to Awaken World Leaders to Back a Sustainable Century
UNEP Tunza...