The Forum is pleased to share news of a new initiative in the field of religion & ecology, the Center for Ecological Regeneration at Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary. The new center's mission is to “spread regenerative eco-theological understandings, earth-based religious practices, and cooperative solidarities for the just healing of wounded socio-ecological relationships in the Midwest bioregion and beyond.”
From the center site:
We live in a time of accelerating planetary crises related to climate change, environmental degradation, and biodiversity loss. Although these crises ultimately threaten the wellbeing of all humans, they especially bear upon those already suffering from economic exploitation, racism, hetero-sexism, age discrimination, ableism, and related forms of social inequity.
The cultural roots of these entwined crises are many but include distorted theological understandings and religious practices that have contributed to and even justified social and environmental harm. As such, the work of justly transitioning toward more life-sustaining and democratic societies, institutions, and communities requires the contributions of both ecological theological perspectives and earth-based religious practices that foster healing solidarities among threatened humans, other-than-human creatures, and the earth systems that make up our planetary home.
The work of social and ecological repair is a global task requiring worldwide collaboration. At the same time, bioregional approaches that turn our attention to the local geographies and cultures in which we’re embedded can help ground our efforts in partnership with the particular places, institutions, and peoples of which we are members.
The Center already has many useful online resources available. Here on their site, you'll find book lists, multimedia, events, helpful links, and more–some general and some specific to the Chicago area and the Midwest bioregion.
For those located in the Chicago area, Garrett will be holding a 2-day in-person celebration to launch the new center on April 22-23. Details and a schedule of events can be found here. The event is free and open to all, but pre-registration is required.