New Earth Charter Podcast

Tara C. Trapani


This week in the blog, we're highlighting a new podcast of interest: the Earth Charter Podcast: Turning Conscience into Action, hosted by Mirian Vilela, Earth Charter International’s Executive Director.


Description from the website: This podcast brings to you conversations with great thinkers, scholars and activists in the fields of sustainability, ethics, education and movements of social transformation from around the world. These conversations include personal stories, reflections on current global challenges, the evolving process (and concept) of sustainability, education for sustainable development, a new paradigm of education, stories of the Earth Charter drafting process, as well as reflections on some key ideas and principles in the Earth Charter.

The first season of 11 episodes debuted on December 22, 2020. Certain episodes are also available in Spanish, here. Interviewed guests so far include Mary Evelyn Tucker, Gus Speth, Steven Rockefeller, Jan Pronk, Gro Harlem Brundtland, David Orr, Hazel Henderson, and more. You can access all episodes here on the Earth Charter International site. And Mary Evelyn Tucker's episode can be found here

The release of the podcast and a new book–Earth Charter, Education and the SDG 4.7. Research, Experiences and Reflections–were celebrated at a live online event. See the video of the full event below.