Invitation to a Religion & Ecology Reading Group - Russell Powell & Timothy Grieve-Carlson

Sam Mickey

This week's episode of Spotlights features Russell Powell, PhD, and Timothy Grieve-Carlson. Russell is a visiting professor of Environmental Theology and Ethics at Boston College, and Timothy is a doctoral candidate in Rice University's Department of Religion. They invite early-career scholars to participate in a newly emerging reading group, the Religion and Ecology Early-Career Scholars (REECS) Reading Group, which will host regular meetings (virtually) for scholars to share their work with one another.

If you're interested in participating in this reading group, you can email Timothy (trg4 [at] or Russell (powellru [at] for more information.

We will also have more information for you about this reading group in upcoming editions of the Forum on Religion and Ecology  Newsletter

You can watch this episode below or listen to it here

An archive of previous episodes can be found here, with audio versions available here.