- “Environmental Justice with Indigenous Peoples,” Creation Justice Ministries
- “Environmental Stewardship,” Assembly of First Nations
- EPA information on Indigenous environmental justice in the US
- Greenpeace Environmental Justice Resources stories, reports, research
- Indigenous Land Rights and Mining, Ignatian Solidarity Network
- “Listening to Indigenous Voices: A Dialogue Guide on Justice and Right Relationships,” The Jesuit Forum for Social Faith and Justice
- Native American Fish and Wildlife Society
- Native Web Resources
- “Northwest Tribes: Meeting The Challenge Of Climate Change,” Booklet by the Northwest Indian Applied Research Institute, Evergreen State College
- “This Is How Indigenous Peoples Help Curb Gas Emissions, End Hunger,” IPS News, 2017
- Pluralism Project, Harvard University
- US Department of Justice: Office of Environmental Justice

Header Image: Solidarity rally with the Dakota Access Pipeline protesters, 2016, Toronto, Canada; arinambanerjee/Shutterstock